Child Device Not working

I too lost all functionality beyond the master relay on/off on my zen32’s.
In an attempt to fix, I deleted one of the Zen32 (master relay & child buttons), hard reset the Zen32, and re-added the device. Now my Master Relay shows in Smartthings and functions fine, but I have no child buttons nor a setting option to separate the buttons. The Zen installed with the Zooz Zen32 Scene Control driver.

Any advice before I attempt any more devices in my home (this is the first of many scene controls I use)?

Thanks in advance

I’m having similar issues on my older ZEN32. The odd thing, inm IOS, it looks like DTH still ,but in the new viewer it clearly says ZEN32 scene controller but I can’t change the driver as I have with others.

May need to try the reset route, but not sure for yours. On the other Zooz devices you have to change a setting to get children, but I’m not seeing it on my other ZEN32 that was installed recently and did not go through the transition.

For my other devices, the procedure above worked for my 2 ZEN20s and 2 ZEN16s that did not come over cleanly.

Because they’re buttons, not switches, there’s no need for them to exist as separate devices. My settings screen looks the same as yours. You can create routines that are triggered by button actions, or use the LEDs on each button as targets in a routine or scene.

Yes, my “newer” one is like this, but my older one (somewhere between DTH and Edge does not have all of these options). I hate to start over on this one as there is lots of programming, but that may be the only route…

Have you examined it in api-browser? It should be clear whether it’s on DTH or edge - there isn’t really an in between.

This is incredibly helpful. I had a bunch of buttons programmed to do things at the device level (as that was available previously). Now I will just set up routines. It will be a bunch of work for 4 Zen32, many of which had several actions tied to each button. But, at least I now know how to proceed. Thank you!

Definitely still is EDGE with Zooz ZEN32 controller, but the children are listed as DTH. As I recall the outlet strips convert their children to edge_child.

The children must be left over from the old switch. The good thing is, that means you can go through each child’s list of routines and swap them out for the buttons on the new device before you delete them.

Hopefully its that simple, but unlike the other devices I’m essentially having to recreate all of these in the new device. Glad I only have one of these to do…

This ended up being a several hour project, and I’m not sure I recreated all of the logic correctly (I used screen shots, but not ideal). In any case, I’ve now got this redone and mostly functioning (I made a few changes too). One thing I did realize is that all of the children (from this device and others) run on the cloud, which make no sense! Definitely a long delay, much more than I recall before.

The strange thing about Child devices being marked as"Cloud" on the Advanced Uses Web Page is that routines that include the are marked as local in the Mobile App. Something doesn’t add up.

Not mine. Any they defiantly aren’t local aw they take about 15 sec to trigger. The DTH seemed faster for the ZEN32.

Help , all my ZEN 32 scene controllers seems to have disappeared about a week ago, is this related to the edge driver switch ? How can I get them back ???