New user, and just wanted to share a solution I have cobbled together, that (so far) seems to be working very well.
I wanted a way to control our sprinklers. Not a built-in sprinkler system, but just a hose + sprinkler set up. This works for us, because of our yard layout…we laid the hose out around our border stones, and by putting two sprinklers (one on each side of the yard), we’re able to get everything. We lay this out every spring, so we just had to go out and turn on the water. Usually getting soaked in the process and/or forgetting to turn it on (or off), etc., etc. Checked into some things, read some reviews, and it seemed like the Orbit products didn’t last long, and the ‘real’ sprinkler controllers were $$$ So, this solution was born.
I purchased:
A simple Wemo smart outlet, but anything like this would work:
And a sturdy ball-valve, that wasn’t solenoid based and low voltage:
This valve has the added benefit of already having a 3/4" fitting (garden hose), and it closes automatically when it loses power. Opening time is about 3-4 seconds, so no water-hammer when it comes on. Also have a little wall-wart that gives power to this valve. Had one already, but you can get them for about $5 if you don’t have one. 12v/2A…standard little things.
So…two watertight cases (about $8 each…cheap plastic) were purchased. Power was run to one of them, and the Wemo with the wall-wart went into one of them, and the wire routed out through a small notch which I siliconed over. Drilled two holes into the other case (and notched it too), so the hose could go in/out. Latched them both up, and put them just outside the house. Turned on the tap, and left it on.
So…now I can just say “Yo, Google…turn on the back sprinkler” (the name of the plug), and it comes on…valve opens, and yard is watered. Since this is nothing more than a regular adapter, you can schedule things, remote on/off, etc., etc. Did two cases because I wanted to separate the electrical from the water-spewing pieces, and the boxes keep the motorized valve from getting rained on.
- Valve: About $35
- Outlet: About $30
- 2 Boxes: About $16
- Total: About $75
Been in service for a few months last year, and brought things back out about a month ago. Took everything inside over winter, to be safe. Just wanted to offer up a possible solution to others who may be searching.