So I have these cheap chinese made DVR that uses XMEYE for remote viewing. Can this be somehow integrated into ST?
Perhaps via JPEG Push? Or taking a snapshot when an alarm os triggered?
So I have these cheap chinese made DVR that uses XMEYE for remote viewing. Can this be somehow integrated into ST?
Perhaps via JPEG Push? Or taking a snapshot when an alarm os triggered?
You can push it into BlueIris using RTSP and then onto SmartThings that way (that’s what I do). Then it’ll work in SmartTiles and there is also a Generic Video Camera app floating about which will allow you to view within SmartThings app (view only though)
I’m using: [RELEASE] Generic Video Camera DeviceType, Yes, Live Video Streaming
Just pipe my RTSP stream straight into it - very slow at starting but works fine - again though it’s view only.