Capabilities Reference : VideoStream NO Video Codec and Audio Codec Information

Ok, up to now, the video plugin works for the capabilities of VideoStream and MotionSensor combined through:

  • The already published device profiles, which are:
    • c1ca6938-e152-4a21-a349-d89df268f126 for RSTP
    • d1fddebd-137b-47fa-a05a-6e8329de19e0 for webRTC
  • You can use different integrations, like:
    • ST Schema > for cloud to cloud connections
    • Edge drivers > for Hub-connected devices (Zigbee, Z-Wave and LAN). Here, you would need to include the same metadata (VID and manufacturerName)

To start the stream you need to define the startStream command to send an event with the following information:

live_video = {
     "InHomeURL": "STREAMING_URL",
     "OutHomeURL": "STREAMING_URL"

//Command used in ST Schema
addState('main', 'st.videoStream', 'stream', live_video)

To stop the stream you need to define the stopStream command to send an event with the following:

live_video = {
      "InHomeURL": "",
      "OutHomeURL": ""

//Command used in ST Schema
addState('main', 'st.videoStream', 'stream', live_video)

This is how the Detail View of the Device would look like: