Can't add Somfy Sonesse 30 Wirefree Zigbee to ST

We recently got a motorized blind, a Somfy Sonesse 30 Wirefree Zigbee, but I cant include it in my ST network. When I follow the instructions it fails after step 5 with the following error:

I contacted Somfy support and they say ST made a change in a recent upgrade that broke it, but no information about a patch date or any workarounds.

Is anyone else affected by this? Any thoughts on how to get past this?

Thanks, Carl

I have been looking into this myself. I came accross this info on reddit:

So that the content is mirrored here incase my blog is ever offline. Get the Pin from the commissioning label on the motor tube.

Get a BLE tool, like BT Inspector for iOS. Wake the motor with a 1-2s press of the button next to the USB port.

Connect to it.

To 0000000B-cad9-46c6-a2ea-2ca16d57b4a5 we send the pin code as a 3 byte int, in little-endian.

To 00020001-cad9-46c6-a2ea-2ca16d57b4a5 we simply send 0x01.

It’ll now join any Zigbee network.

Reddit forum

See if that gets it to join. Please post response back for others.

The OP is posting about a authentication issue to Somfy. I don’t believe that Reddit post will help in this case.

Report the issue to ST support

I was contacted by a Somfy tech and told that Smartthings had fixed the issue. I retried adding the Tahoma bridge and this time it worked!

Sadly, though I can control the shade’s position now via the ST app (it presents as a 0-100% slider), when I add it to my Goodnight/morning routines the shade doesn’t move.

Any thoughts on what’s missing? Do I need a driver? I don’t see anything specific to Somfy.