[BROKEN] NST Manager v5.0 (Does Not Work Anymore)

Upgrade notice

We wanted to let users know that we are seeing a few common issues during updates. Please try to avoid these problems…

We are seeing users update Nest Manager app, but not also updating

  • The device handlers
  • The NST Automations app.

It is important when updating to update all these together.

If you are using git integration, this means selecting both Nest Manager and NST Automations during updates under “My SmartApps”.

If using git, also check that you update device handlers under “My Device Handlers”

Several issues we have worked recently with users have been in regard to not running the latest code, or not updating all components. Mixing components of different releases can cause errors.



A few versions ago my Thermostat fell off the map when updating and I haven’t been able to get it back. I also have a new Protect I’d like to add.

My NST Manager, NST Automations, and all Device Handlers have been updated to the latest through Git.

Nest Weather and Nest Presence Device show up in my “Things” but not the Thermostat or Protect. When I go to Manage/View Devices in the smartapp, it says “no devices found”.

Does anyone have any idea what’s going on and how I can get my Thermostat and Protect back?

Thanks in advance!

I am running the latest everything. Including the streaming service, but I noticed I am getting this in the Logs when I try to adjust temp:
11:24:19 AM: warn || Nest Thermostat - Entryway (v5.4.0) | Temp Change without a chgType is not supported!!!

I got a warning that the streaming service had updated to 2.0.1
It looks like the latest script for installing the streaming service has windows line endings which causes it to fail in bash. I had to strip them with

sed -i 's/\r//g' ./nst_utility_script.sh

I had a similar issue with the thermostat disappearing. I was able to re-add it by going into the NST manager and picking it from the list again. It then took a couple more minutes for it to show up in my “things” list.

Ugh. Thanks for pointing that out. I try to make sure I doesn’t save as CRLF. I will correct it here in a moment. I’m also going to move it into the public repo

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When I first set this up a few weeks ago, the Nest Cam smartapp/handler worked fine with my Nest Hello - but about a week later (and even after applying the past two NST Manager/DTH updates) it simply crashes the classic ST app when I open the ST tile.

Is this a known issue? Or just an isolated one?

Good opportunity to plug the Community Installer


A few posts further up in this thread …

Thanks that was the first thing I tried. @tonesto7 helped me resolve the issue privately with some device handler code changes and making the stream public that ended up resolving the issue.

Interesting. I never tried the solution I posted as I don’t want to have to recreate my automations based on that camera. I don’t really need access to the device that’s causing the crash in the ST app so not a biggie for me.

How did I not know about this? Thanks!

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I keep getting a message to update my Nest thermostat, presence manager and Nest weather, but when I go to the IDE and try to update from GitHub, no new files appear. I keep getting the message that I need to update the above to V5.40. Any ideas?


I suggest you go into the IDE -> My Device Handlers

Select each NST manager device, then hit save, and publish for me.

Once that is done for all devices, then try Update from Repo again, ensure you select nest-manager (master)

You can also try the community installer mentioned a few posts back.

Neat hasn’t been giving out developer accounts. Does anyone know a workaround?

How did you make a nest developer account?

If folks have not noticed, Tony is released the nest streaming service for everyone’s use.


Installed this so how does it work? can we just now use the motion in WebCoRE?

Another question on celsius, is this still a issue on ST that we still need to adjust the DH to true to get the setting to be correct?

If you want motion alerts “close” to when they occur, you should use the stream module.

The dth works correctly with celsius, the edit to the thermostat (and weather dth) ensures colors are correctly calibrated.
