Do we have any options for a ZigBee battery remote that does continuous rather than stepped dimming?
I wrote a webcore piston for an IKEA remote to dim/brighten lights in 10% increments . It works but it’s clunky and dependent on webcore which is due to be deprecated.
Any more elegant options that don’t need webcore and provide smoother unstepped dimming?
Tagging @Automated_House , @orangebucket , and @johnconstantelo in case they have anything to add.
Sengled dimmer is currently only zigbee remote that acts as a dimmer. You have to use Mirror function from Smart Lightning to get continues dimming
You can use the ikea remote to do this along with group binding as long as your lights are also zigbee.
I have a driver for the ikea remotes that enables group binding.
thanks for this, I have enrolled and changed the driver for a styrbar remote, I have set a group id for the remote, but where do you set the bulbs in that group?
If you wish to use groups you would need to also install drivers for the lights that support groups. e.g Zigbee Light Multifunction Mc from (NEW RELEASE) Beta Edge Driver Zigbee Light Multifunction Mc - #33 by Mariano_Colmenarejo for each of your bulbs. This requires that your bulbs are supported by that driver.
If you are using Styrbar then you have the option of also doing direct binding using only my driver, it can be tricky to setup but it should work. It can be tricky to setup, you can follow the instructions to do that here → Zigbee Button + Groups - Alpha Test - #29 by lmullineux To find the device addresses for each bulb you can use the following Zigbee Button + Groups - Alpha Test - #30 by lmullineux
Both solutions should be considered experimental.
thanks, I tried the just setting it up as a remote without the groups yet to control a set of 4 light and a socket.
The response time seems quite slow - up to 4 or 5 seconds to switch lights on?
it shouldn’t be that slow, although the way you are testing it isn’t ideal as it makes it really difficult to test where the slowdown is. Best way would be to have the device open on your phone, press a button on the device and see how quick it turns yellow - that’s how fast the driver is working. Anything else includes the automations, and then you need to start checking if they are running locally.
In any case it doesn’t matter, the group or device binding means messages will go directly from the remote to the bulb bypassing your hub - they will be lightning fast.
What I mean to say here @Declankh is, if you use groups or device binding - once configured the driver isn’t actually used in most use cases as the remote will send it’s button presses directly to the bulb(s)