Hi all. I’ve read of previous issues regarding august lock. Mine won’t stay connected to ST but works with the Alexa hub. So I have to leverage a virtual switch in routines. Any thoughts on this and would a different device handler help?
Are you connecting it to ST by z-wave or wifi?
Zwave. I have an august connect as well
It’s a firmware issue, there’s a BETA or previous version which is more stable.
You may want to remove the z.wave connection for it by excluding the device and connect again by selecting August Wi-Fi which uses the August Connect. I use an August Connect on mine and it works well.
Note: take screenshots if any automations that use the August lock because you will need to recreate them.
You’re connecting to SmartThings through WiFi?
Seems odd that Alexa zwave works. I wouldn’t even know how to downvrade
Seems odd that Alexa zwave works.
Alexa doesn’t have Zwave. That’s a cloud to cloud connection.
yep, I use the august wifi through August Connect. works well. lots of services you can connect to through August Connect → Homekit, ST, Google Assistant, and Alexa.
I meant zigbee. I have an echos show. But I guess it is just a cloud to cloud connection now that I think about it.