Curious if anyone has encountered this issue with the Arlo Pro integration. Managing the camera within smartthings seems to enable audio detection within the arlo app “smartthings custom mode”. Resulting in nothing but spam of audio detection notices. Any action to edit the camera settings or enable and disable (turn on and off the camera) with smartthings seems to change/enable the audio detection settings within the smartthings custom mode. I’ve removed the integration and reset from scratch with the same result. While motion and turning the cameras on and off seems to work, the forcing of audio detection “on” is a problem. I have attempted to set the microphone off inside smartthings thinking maybe that would disable audio detection but that seems to have no impact. Anyone else notice this issue or have a solution?
Turning off the mic only mutes the audio in recordings. It does not turn off sound detection.
Hope this Helps,
Yes, turning off the mic appeared to have no impact on the audio detection. That was a hopeful shot in the dark. Unfortunately that still leaves the integration with a glaring FAIL having no means to disable the audio detection which is a core function of the Arlo Pro system. Further that with the fact that smartthings integration re-enables the audio detection repeatedly despite turning OFF the audio detection with the smartthings custom mode directly within the arlo app. Oversight in development perhaps?
Todd - I am also having the same problem that John is describing. This was not an issue a month ago, but it is now. When I turn on/off my Arlo Pro cameras using SmartThings, the Arlo settings appear to reset (camera name reverts to the camera’s serial number, record video at motion detection is disabled, and both motion and sound detection are turned on) for all of my five cameras.
I contacted support, thus far they are still trying to work their way through the first tier support crowd, evident by the fact that they failed to read the description of the problem and in turn have offered solutions already covered in the initial submission. Perhaps eventually a more senior individual will take up the question. I wish I could speak to the fact as to whether or not this issue existed a month ago, I only recently (within the last 2 weeks) setup the Arlo Pro system. So if this was a firmware release that broke the functionality I have no way to confirm.
Same problem here. Anytime that Smartthings turns on the camera the existing Arlo/Smartthings rules that you have saved previously are erased. As a workaround I deleted all Smartthings rules under the Arlo app then use the Arlo rules for all recording. Smartthings will continue to turn on and off the camera using routines but it doesn’t interfer with the Arlo recording rules and options.
I also filed a bug report to support.
R Scott - Brilliant! I confirm that your workaround of deleting the SmartThings mode within the Arlo app produces the desired result of maintaining my previous camera settings. There still needs to be a fix to this problem, but this workaround saves me an extra step when performing automation. Thank you!
Thanks Scott, when I noticed the issue I simply removed the arlos from the automation processes in smartthings. I had not tried deleting the ARLO smartthings custom mode while leaving the smartthings automation rules the same that may indeed be a quicker route than editing out the cameras individually within the automation rules. I have been manually handling the automation for the camera exclusively using the arlo app for now, until the smartthings integration is functional.
@twack This is not a solution it was an attempt at one. Instead of identifying the obvious how about an update as to wether or not this issues is going to be resolved or that it’s a known problem. I set this up a month back or so and had the same issue describe above. So I just deleted the integration and all was back to normal. I wasn’t going to reattempt until I received this email from the Arlo Team today:
What a joke. Tried it & same issue. I did notice however that the solution suggested below by @rscott09 does infact work but it’s not known if there are negative consequences or loss of functionality of any parts of the integration by doing this. It’s one thing to add this function in beta it’s a whole other to allow a mass communication announcing the feature to the public yet not be thoroughly tested for such obvious bugs as the one in this chain.
Please advise on where the team is resolving this problem.
There seems to be some questions as to what turning off the Microphone does. As stated before, if turned off, there is no audio in clips or live streams. Another way to think of it is as a “mute” button.This is exactly the functionality that you will find in the Arlo web and mobile interface. See below:
So, in both SmartThings and Arlo, when the Microphone is turned off, audio detection still occurs.
Can you explain what you are trying to do? Is it that you’re trying to stop sound notifications, or is there something else?
Thank you in advance,
After my support request was passed to engineering I was notified that the issue is a known problem and supposedly my issue was placed in queue to be notified when the bug was fixed. Knowing how this stuff generally works I would be pleasantly surprised if that notification was forthcoming. But the rather quick acknowledgement that there is an issue leads me to believe the issue or issues of a related nature are known. No timeline on when they will be addressed however.
twack - I have the same issue, but have troubleshot it down to the following:
I adjust the audio sensitivity to a level I get no false triggers (level 2). When there is an automation change (home to away, etc), ST resets the audio sensitivity for a camera to 3 (factory setting?). It also resets the audio sensitivity for the camera in the Arlo app (also resets the name to the factory camera serial number?). This doesn’t happen for all 4 of my cameras, sometimes only 1 camera might change. With the audio sensitivity at 3, tons of false triggers.
Just so I’m clear, when your say there is an “automation change”, you do mean “home to away” in SmartThings, correct?
Thanks in advance,
The arlo app seems to have a bunch of issues, some of which seem related to the smartthings integration, some not. I kept getting the audio detection re-enabling as well, but for some reason it seems to have settled down a bit… I’m afraid to play around with any changes for fear it starts back up again. You also still can’t properly configure the arlo app to not send any notification if you’re looking for ST to handle it. Hopefully they’re working on tightening up the app.
Correct. I just tried it again. I set all the camera audio sensitivity to level 2. Triggered a Goodbye! then I’m Back! and all the camera audio sensitivity got reset to level 3.
Good-bye turns on the cameras, I’m back turns them off
Actually its not required that you do this via an automation routine. You can simply go directly to one of the arlo devices and turn the camera on or off etc. After a series of API calls including several to set properties on the camera within a few seconds you can see the sound event messages start from the arlo camera. Its pretty consistent too, though I have seen instances when repeating the same steps does not appear to alter the sound detection in the smarthing things config within the Arlo system which makes me wonder what the difference is from time to time. But overall its pretty easy to reproduce.
6e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:47 PM: info [SM] handleSoundEvent() - Sound event message from ST Device Name=Arlo SouthEast Gate
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:47 PM: info [SM] handleSoundEvent() - Sound event message from sensorId=4XH16C7PB6053
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:47 PM: trace [SM] Executing handleSoundEvent()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:47 PM: trace [SM] Executing handleDeviceAlert()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:47 PM: trace [SM] Executing handleSuccess()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:47 PM: trace [SM] Executing vendorMessage()
297b7d5d-e127-4551-8cb2-072b582ec5ba 4:08:47 PM: trace [DTH] Executing asyncSoundInactive() for device=Arlo SouthEast Gate
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:43 PM: info [SM] handleSoundEvent() - Sound event message from ST Device Name=Arlo Front Entrance
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:43 PM: info [SM] handleSoundEvent() - Sound event message from sensorId=4XH16C77B349B
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:43 PM: trace [SM] Executing handleSoundEvent()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:43 PM: trace [SM] Executing handleDeviceAlert()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:43 PM: trace [SM] Executing handleSuccess()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:43 PM: trace [SM] Executing vendorMessage()
03f7e3c8-910b-4465-a025-8b72b3240c11 4:08:43 PM: trace [DTH] Executing asyncSoundInactive() for device=Arlo Front Entrance
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:41 PM: info [SM] handleSoundEvent() - Sound event message from ST Device Name=Arlo SouthEast Corner
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:41 PM: info [SM] handleSoundEvent() - Sound event message from sensorId=4XH16C7MB5047
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:41 PM: trace [SM] Executing handleSoundEvent()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:41 PM: trace [SM] Executing handleDeviceAlert()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:41 PM: trace [SM] Executing handleSuccess()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:41 PM: trace [SM] Executing vendorMessage()
3cfe332b-30e7-470f-9c53-bf325a3fb909 4:08:41 PM: trace [DTH] Executing asyncSoundInactive() for device=Arlo SouthEast Corner
98bdaf1c-4843-450d-849a-d5e7c2d6d023 4:08:34 PM: debug getChildDevices(false), children=1
98bdaf1c-4843-450d-849a-d5e7c2d6d023 4:08:34 PM: info in ssdpDiscover
7cf873cc-7c35-4b8c-a6ea-a134b38df0ca 4:08:33 PM: debug getChildDevices(false), children=1
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:33 PM: trace [SM] Executing handleDeviceAlert()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:33 PM: trace [SM] Executing handleSuccess()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:33 PM: trace [SM] Executing vendorMessage()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:32 PM: info arloApiPost() - response status=200
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:31 PM: trace [SM] Executing applyArloAuthorizationHeaders()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:31 PM: trace [SM] Executing arloApiPost()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:31 PM: trace [SM] Executing setActiveModeByName()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:31 PM: trace [SM] Executing handleUpdateMode()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:31 PM: trace [SM] Executing handleSuccess()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:31 PM: trace [SM] Executing vendorMessage()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:31 PM: trace [SM] handleBaseStationInfo() - Setting BaseStation data for Arlo Front Entrance
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:31 PM: trace [SM] Executing handleBaseStationInfo()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:31 PM: trace [SM] Executing handleSuccess()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:31 PM: trace [SM] Executing vendorMessage()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:31 PM: trace [SM] Executing handleDeviceAlert()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:31 PM: trace [SM] Executing handleSuccess()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:31 PM: trace [SM] Executing vendorMessage()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:31 PM: info arloApiPost() - response status=200
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:30 PM: trace [SM] Executing applyArloAuthorizationHeaders()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:30 PM: trace [SM] Executing arloApiPost()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:30 PM: trace [SM] Executing updateModeByName()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:30 PM: info arloApiPost() - response status=200
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:30 PM: trace [SM] Executing applyArloAuthorizationHeaders()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:30 PM: trace [SM] Executing arloApiPost()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:30 PM: trace [SM] Executing setActiveModeByName()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:30 PM: trace [SM] Executing handleGetModes()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:30 PM: trace [SM] Executing handleSuccess()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:30 PM: trace [SM] Executing vendorMessage()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:30 PM: info [SM] handleCameraStatus() - Received status data for Arlo Front Entrance
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:30 PM: trace [SM] Executing handleCameraStatus()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:30 PM: trace [SM] Executing handleSuccess()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:30 PM: trace [SM] Executing vendorMessage()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:30 PM: info arloApiPost() - response status=200
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:30 PM: trace [SM] Executing applyArloAuthorizationHeaders()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:30 PM: trace [SM] Executing arloApiPost()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:30 PM: trace [SM] Executing setBaseStationData()
03f7e3c8-910b-4465-a025-8b72b3240c11 4:08:30 PM: trace [DTH] Executing updateDeviceDataEntries() for Arlo Front Entrance
03f7e3c8-910b-4465-a025-8b72b3240c11 4:08:30 PM: trace [DTH] Executing updateMicrophone() for Arlo Front Entrance
03f7e3c8-910b-4465-a025-8b72b3240c11 4:08:30 PM: trace [DTH] Executing updatePowerManagement() for Arlo Front Entrance
03f7e3c8-910b-4465-a025-8b72b3240c11 4:08:30 PM: trace [DTH] Executing updateNightVision() for Arlo Front Entrance
03f7e3c8-910b-4465-a025-8b72b3240c11 4:08:30 PM: trace [DTH] Executing updateInvertImage() for Arlo Front Entrance
03f7e3c8-910b-4465-a025-8b72b3240c11 4:08:30 PM: trace [DTH] Executing updateConnectionState() for Arlo Front Entrance
03f7e3c8-910b-4465-a025-8b72b3240c11 4:08:30 PM: trace [DTH] Executing statusUpdate() for Arlo Front Entrance
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:30 PM: trace [SM] Executing handleConnectionMethod()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:30 PM: trace [SM] Executing handleSuccess()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:30 PM: trace [SM] Executing vendorMessage()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:30 PM: info [SM] handlePropertyUpdate() - Camera preferences were successfully updated on Arlo side
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:30 PM: trace [SM] Executing handlePropertyUpdate()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:30 PM: trace [SM] Executing handleSuccess()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:30 PM: trace [SM] Executing vendorMessage()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:30 PM: info updateCameraPreferences() - Set preferences for Arlo Front Entrance
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:27 PM: trace [SM] Executing getMicrophoneState()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:27 PM: trace [SM] Executing getPowerManagementState()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:27 PM: trace [SM] Executing getInvertImageState()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:27 PM: trace [SM] Executing getNightVisionState()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:27 PM: trace [SM] Executing updateCameraPreferences()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:27 PM: trace [SM] Executing getSwitchState()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:27 PM: trace [SM] Executing updateCameraAttribute()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:27 PM: trace [SM] Executing getActiveState()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:27 PM: trace [SM] Executing updateCameraAttribute()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:27 PM: trace [SM] Executing updateCameraAttribute()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:27 PM: trace [SM] Executing calculateBatteryNumber()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:27 PM: trace [SM] Executing updateBatteryDisplay() with 4XH16C77B349B
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:27 PM: trace [SM] Executing handleCameraUpdate()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:27 PM: trace [SM] Executing handleSuccess()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:27 PM: trace [SM] Executing vendorMessage()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:29 PM: trace [SM] Executing applyArloAuthorizationHeaders()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:29 PM: trace [SM] Executing arloApiPost()
03f7e3c8-910b-4465-a025-8b72b3240c11 4:08:29 PM: trace [DTH] Executing refresh() for device=Arlo Front Entrance
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:29 PM: info arloApiPost() - response status=200
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:29 PM: info arloApiPost() - response status=200
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:29 PM: info arloApiPost() - response status=200
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:28 PM: trace [SM] Executing arloApiPost()
03f7e3c8-910b-4465-a025-8b72b3240c11 4:08:28 PM: info [DTH] setCameraProperties() - Using settings=[invertImage:Off, nightVision:Auto, powerManagement:Balanced, microphone:On]
03f7e3c8-910b-4465-a025-8b72b3240c11 4:08:28 PM: info [DTH] setCameraProperties() is requesting an update to nightVision, invertImage and powerManagement.
03f7e3c8-910b-4465-a025-8b72b3240c11 4:08:28 PM: info [DTH] setIrSensitivity() arloApiPost responseSuccess=true
03f7e3c8-910b-4465-a025-8b72b3240c11 4:08:28 PM: trace [DTH] Executing setCameraProperties()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:28 PM: info arloApiPost() - response status=200
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:28 PM: trace [SM] Executing arloApiPost()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:28 PM: trace [SM] Executing applyArloAuthorizationHeaders()
03f7e3c8-910b-4465-a025-8b72b3240c11 4:08:28 PM: info [DTH] setIrSensitivity() is requesting an update to irSensitivity.
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:29 PM: info arloApiPost() - response status=200
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:29 PM: trace [SM] Executing applyArloAuthorizationHeaders()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:29 PM: trace [SM] Executing arloApiPost()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:29 PM: trace [SM] Executing getModes()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:29 PM: trace [SM] Executing handleCreateRule()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:29 PM: trace [SM] Executing handleSuccess()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:29 PM: trace [SM] Executing vendorMessage()
f105659f-5638-41da-9a68-0fd6199f0641 4:08:28 PM: debug lowBatteryHandler: Arlo Front Entrance battery is 80%
f105659f-5638-41da-9a68-0fd6199f0641 4:08:27 PM: debug lowBatteryHandler: Arlo Front Entrance battery is 80%
7cf873cc-7c35-4b8c-a6ea-a134b38df0ca 4:08:27 PM: debug getChildDevices(false), children=1
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:27 PM: trace [SM] Executing handleDeviceAlert()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:27 PM: trace [SM] Executing handleSuccess()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:27 PM: trace [SM] Executing vendorMessage()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:27 PM: trace [SM] Executing checkForBaseStationError()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:27 PM: info arloApiPost() - response status=200
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:26 PM: trace [SM] Executing applyArloAuthorizationHeaders()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:26 PM: trace [SM] Executing arloApiPost()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:26 PM: trace [SM] Executing requestCameraUpdate()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:26 PM: trace [SM] Executing updateCameraAttribute()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:26 PM: info arloApiPost() - response status=200
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:26 PM: trace [SM] Executing applyArloAuthorizationHeaders()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:26 PM: trace [SM] Executing arloApiPost()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:26 PM: trace [SM] Executing on()
03f7e3c8-910b-4465-a025-8b72b3240c11 4:08:26 PM: trace [DTH] Executing on()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:19 PM: trace [SM] Executing handleDeviceAlert()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:19 PM: trace [SM] Executing handleSuccess()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:19 PM: trace [SM] Executing vendorMessage()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:18 PM: info arloApiPost() - response status=200
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:18 PM: trace [SM] Executing applyArloAuthorizationHeaders()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:18 PM: trace [SM] Executing arloApiPost()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:08:18 PM: trace [SM] Executing off()
03f7e3c8-910b-4465-a025-8b72b3240c11 4:08:17 PM: trace [DTH] Executing off()
e42f7b60-127a-49e8-82c5-2a7a204c2007 4:08:10 PM: debug Parse returned {{ linkText }} has arrived
And to confirm the varied behavior. Here is the log from a test set (while already on the arlo device screen in sms app). Simply tested by pressing refresh first and then off and on for the same individual camera. This first post the alro settings were NOT updated. No idea why, but the Arlo app remained with settings “armed”, no change to smartthings or the smartthings config in the arlo app. The second identical test pressing the same sequence of events produced a result
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:28:46 PM: info [SM] handlePropertyUpdate() - Camera preferences were successfully updated on Arlo side. Which in part should occur as it should switch tot he smartthings config, we just don’t want the sound detection to be turned on each time. So part of the time, the communication fails to update arlo in any way “which itself is a glitch it would seem” as that is inconsistent. While the next test updated the arlo app and clearly indicated such in the logs. Unfortunately it also turned on the sound detection again
Anyway here is the first test log. No changes made in Arlo at all.
da9b579c-d51a-4c64-ad84-1012bc4d62cb 4:28:11 PM: debug Creating battery event for voltage=2.2V: Lucy Keys battery is 70%
da9b579c-d51a-4c64-ad84-1012bc4d62cb 4:28:11 PM: debug Creating presence event: Lucy Keys presence is present
fb1264f8-578f-46a5-bf8b-ee13d5392895 4:28:00 PM: info SHM isActiveSensor(motion:active, app: off, location: off) = false, locationId: 747d8386-4bd6-4374-b12a-95414b84d96a, ISA: fb1264f8-578f-46a5-bf8b-ee13d5392895
fb1264f8-578f-46a5-bf8b-ee13d5392895 4:28:00 PM: debug motionOrContactHandler(Master Motion Sensor motion:active)
6eaab0e8-594d-4b07-aed5-846d81d6a649 4:27:56 PM: debug Parsed 'Crc16Encap(checksum: 14627, command: 5, commandClass: 49, data: [3, 10, 0, 253])'
6eaab0e8-594d-4b07-aed5-846d81d6a649 4:27:56 PM: debug Parsing 'zw device: 0B, command: 5601, payload: 31 05 03 0A 00 FD 39 23 '
da9b579c-d51a-4c64-ad84-1012bc4d62cb 4:27:51 PM: debug Creating battery event for voltage=2.2V: Lucy Keys battery is 70%
da9b579c-d51a-4c64-ad84-1012bc4d62cb 4:27:51 PM: debug Creating presence event: Lucy Keys presence is present
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:49 PM: info updateCameraPreferences() - Set preferences for Arlo Front Entrance
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:49 PM: trace [SM] Executing getMicrophoneState()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:49 PM: trace [SM] Executing getPowerManagementState()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:49 PM: trace [SM] Executing getInvertImageState()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:49 PM: trace [SM] Executing getNightVisionState()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:49 PM: trace [SM] Executing updateCameraPreferences()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:49 PM: trace [SM] Executing getSwitchState()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:49 PM: trace [SM] Executing updateCameraAttribute()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:49 PM: trace [SM] Executing getActiveState()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:49 PM: trace [SM] Executing updateCameraAttribute()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:49 PM: trace [SM] Executing updateCameraAttribute()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:49 PM: trace [SM] Executing calculateBatteryNumber()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:49 PM: trace [SM] Executing updateBatteryDisplay() with 4XH16C77B349B
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:49 PM: trace [SM] Executing handleCameraUpdate()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:49 PM: trace [SM] Executing handleSuccess()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:49 PM: trace [SM] Executing vendorMessage()
03f7e3c8-910b-4465-a025-8b72b3240c11 4:27:49 PM: trace [DTH] Executing updated() for device=Arlo Front Entrance
f105659f-5638-41da-9a68-0fd6199f0641 4:27:49 PM: debug lowBatteryHandler: Arlo Front Entrance battery is 80%
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:48 PM: trace [SM] Executing handleDeviceAlert()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:48 PM: trace [SM] Executing handleSuccess()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:48 PM: trace [SM] Executing vendorMessage()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:48 PM: trace [SM] Executing checkForBaseStationError()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:48 PM: info arloApiPost() - response status=200
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:48 PM: trace [SM] Executing applyArloAuthorizationHeaders()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:48 PM: trace [SM] Executing arloApiPost()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:48 PM: trace [SM] Executing requestCameraUpdate()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:48 PM: trace [SM] Executing updateCameraAttribute()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:48 PM: info arloApiPost() - response status=200
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:47 PM: trace [SM] Executing applyArloAuthorizationHeaders()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:47 PM: trace [SM] Executing arloApiPost()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:47 PM: trace [SM] Executing on()
03f7e3c8-910b-4465-a025-8b72b3240c11 4:27:47 PM: trace [DTH] Executing on()
e42f7b60-127a-49e8-82c5-2a7a204c2007 4:27:45 PM: debug Parse returned {{ linkText }} has arrived
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:43 PM: trace [SM] Executing handleDeviceAlert()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:43 PM: trace [SM] Executing handleSuccess()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:43 PM: trace [SM] Executing vendorMessage()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:42 PM: info arloApiPost() - response status=200
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:41 PM: trace [SM] Executing applyArloAuthorizationHeaders()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:41 PM: trace [SM] Executing arloApiPost()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:41 PM: trace [SM] Executing off()
03f7e3c8-910b-4465-a025-8b72b3240c11 4:27:41 PM: trace [DTH] Executing off()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:40 PM: trace [SM] handleBaseStationInfo() - Setting BaseStation data for Arlo Front Entrance
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:40 PM: trace [SM] Executing handleBaseStationInfo()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:40 PM: trace [SM] Executing handleSuccess()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:40 PM: trace [SM] Executing vendorMessage()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:38 PM: info [SM] handleCameraStatus() - Received status data for Arlo Front Entrance
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:38 PM: trace [SM] Executing handleCameraStatus()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:38 PM: trace [SM] Executing handleSuccess()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:38 PM: trace [SM] Executing vendorMessage()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:38 PM: info arloApiPost() - response status=200
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:38 PM: trace [SM] Executing applyArloAuthorizationHeaders()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:38 PM: trace [SM] Executing arloApiPost()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:38 PM: trace [SM] Executing setBaseStationData()
03f7e3c8-910b-4465-a025-8b72b3240c11 4:27:38 PM: trace [DTH] Executing updateDeviceDataEntries() for Arlo Front Entrance
03f7e3c8-910b-4465-a025-8b72b3240c11 4:27:38 PM: trace [DTH] Executing updateMicrophone() for Arlo Front Entrance
03f7e3c8-910b-4465-a025-8b72b3240c11 4:27:38 PM: trace [DTH] Executing updatePowerManagement() for Arlo Front Entrance
03f7e3c8-910b-4465-a025-8b72b3240c11 4:27:38 PM: trace [DTH] Executing updateNightVision() for Arlo Front Entrance
03f7e3c8-910b-4465-a025-8b72b3240c11 4:27:38 PM: trace [DTH] Executing updateInvertImage() for Arlo Front Entrance
03f7e3c8-910b-4465-a025-8b72b3240c11 4:27:38 PM: trace [DTH] Executing updateConnectionState() for Arlo Front Entrance
03f7e3c8-910b-4465-a025-8b72b3240c11 4:27:38 PM: trace [DTH] Executing statusUpdate() for Arlo Front Entrance
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:38 PM: trace [SM] Executing handleConnectionMethod()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:38 PM: trace [SM] Executing handleSuccess()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:38 PM: trace [SM] Executing vendorMessage()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:38 PM: info arloApiPost() - response status=200
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:37 PM: trace [SM] Executing applyArloAuthorizationHeaders()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:37 PM: trace [SM] Executing arloApiPost()
03f7e3c8-910b-4465-a025-8b72b3240c11 4:27:37 PM: trace [DTH] Executing refresh() for device=Arlo Front Entrance
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:37 PM: info arloApiPost() - response status=200
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:37 PM: trace [SM] Executing applyArloAuthorizationHeaders()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:37 PM: trace [SM] Executing arloApiPost()
2d546e15-74ee-4af2-ac6b-438bba8da8a6 4:27:37 PM: trace [SM] Executing requestCameraStatus()
03f7e3c8-910b-4465-a025-8b72b3240c11 4:27:37 PM: trace [DTH] Executing refresh() for device=Arlo Front Entrance
7cf873cc-7c35-4b8c-a6ea-a134b38df0ca 4:27:36 PM: debug getChildDevices(false), children=1
7cf873cc-7c35-4b8c-a6ea-a134b38df0ca 4:27:35 PM: debug getChildDevices(false), children=1
3d893f2d-9e47-4858-9a0e-bafea4a95f41 4:27:33 PM: info SHM getInitialData 0.061 (00) incidents:00, locationId:747d8386-4bd6-4374-b12a-95414b84d96a
3d893f2d-9e47-4858-9a0e-bafea4a95f41 4:27:33 PM: debug summaryData: [[icon:indicator-dot-gray, iconColor:#878787, value:Disarmed], [icon:indicator-dot-green, iconColor:#79b821, value:Everything OK, heroInfo:[heroStatus:ok, heroMessage:Everything OK]]] - [[icon:indicator-dot-gray, value:Disarmed, iconColor:#878787], [icon:indicator-dot-green, heroInfo:[heroStatus:ok, heroMessage:Everything OK], value:Everything OK, iconColor:#79b821]]
813b2b10-4abd-407c-8e4d-cb12bac9eee1 4:27:31 PM: trace getPhrases(), state.welcomeIssue = null
da9b579c-d51a-4c64-ad84-1012bc4d62cb 4:27:31 PM: debug Creating battery event for voltage=2.2V: Lucy Keys battery is 70%
da9b579c-d51a-4c64-ad84-1012bc4d62cb 4:27:31 PM: debug Creating presence event: Lucy Keys presence is present
7cf873cc-7c35-4b8c-a6ea-a134b38df0ca 4:27:31 PM: debug getChildDevices(false), children=1