I have been using Arlo Pro cameras successfully with my SmartThings system for about a month now. However, I noticed about 2 days ago that the cameras stopped getting event updates for Motion, Battery Level, etc (special shout out to @krlaframboise for the Simple Device Viewer SmartApp to detect dead/inactive devices).
I have confirmed the devices work successfully via the Arlo platform, and I am even still able to view the live stream thru the device handlers within SmartThings.
It appears thru Live Logging that the Arlo devices are successfully passing Health Check polling, however on a device refresh, an exception is thrown from the official Arlo (Connect) smartapp. This exception appears to occur before the devices pull their stats from the Arlo platform.
I have opened ticket #494624 with support, and I just wanted to post this out to the community in case others are experiencing the same issue.