I hope you don’t mind, @nayelyz .
- Install this driver:
Login, Accept, Enroll, Available Drivers, Install
- Remove device in the Aqara Home app
- Press the button on the device for 15 seconds
- Add device to the Aqara Home app
- In ST app: add device: scan for devices
(Steps 2, 3, 4 shouldn’t be necessary, but who knows…
If you have any other beta or testing FP2 drivers installed, you have to delete them first.)
Description of the Change
The mDNS service name of the actual Aqara FP2 is “_Aqara-FP2. _tcp".
if the search parameter is “_Aqara-FP2. _tcp”, the driver is executed in V3 and SmartThings Station, but not in the hub on the monitor.
if the search parameter is “_aqara-fp2. _tcp”, the driver is executed in the hub on the monitor, but not in V3 and SmartThings Station.
if the search parameter contains both “_Aqara-FP2. _tcp” and “_Aqara-fp2. _tcp”, the driver runs well in both v3, station, and hub on the monitor.