Another Outdoor Light Question

I’ve done some searching on the forums, and am having trouble understanding everyone’s outfits for ST Outdoor Lights. I really wish they just had a fixture you could buy from the website, but they don’t.

I am looking for an outdoor light fixture on all 4 corners of my house, to be triggered by my “I’m Back” feature in the ST App. I don’t need dimmable bulbs, but the ability to do so would be a “plus”. I also don’t want my “outfit” to use batteries, as I’m not keen on replacing batteries every 6 months for this. I’d like it to plug into an outlet. At the same time, however, I’d like to get a notification of motion detection on my phone. Within these stipulations, how would you go about purchasing fixtures? I like the GE Link bulbs, but I’m not set on those either.

As an aside, I really like my ST app and for a newbie to Home Automation, it’s been extremely easy. I just recently bought the Schlage Camelot touchscreen deadbolt (without a door with a deadbolt, drilled holes myself face palm), and did the install myself with no issues. I also have an Ecobee3, motion sensor, and door sensors. Thanks for your help!

I have zWave GE Switches tied to a few of my outdoor lights. That is by far the most reliable solution, but can be pricey if you need an electrician to come in and wire it up. I am also using a GE Link bulb is one of my fixtures which has surprisingly been very reliable. Lastly, I am using the GE Outdoor Module for my landscape lights which has been very unreliable due to poor range/outdoor factors.

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Where are those switches mounted? Inside or outside? My father-in-law is an electrician, and has helped us rewire many things in our new home :smile:

What fixture do you have for your lights? The ones with screw-in bulb housings are difficult to find, it seems all I see are LED mounted, tiny round lights.

How you set it up depends on what type of fixtures you have or want to install.

Since you mention motion alerts, you may want to install dedicated outdoor compatible motion sensors.

If you are looking to install new fixtures, you can pick out the design you like and go from there.

  • If it comes with built in LED lights, wire it into a smart switch
  • If it has screw in bulbs, you can either wire it into a smart switch or install a smart bulb

Then you just have to set up the Smart Lighting connecting the motion sensors to the lights. You can also set up a custom motion notification though the Smart Home Monitor

I thought about just getting the GE Link bulbs, with something simple like this:
But what ST compatible motion sensor isn’t battery powered? Aren’t they all? I could purchase a Samsung camera and use that as a motion sensor, but that’d get pricy quick. I suppose if I have to change the batteries in a motion sensor, it wouldn’t be all that bad. What sensors do y’all recommend for outside? I’m looking at the Everspring or Aeon Labs.
I’m sorry if a lot of this talk is repetitive, I’m trying not to sound so misinformed! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The switches are inside on opposite walls. I have all sorts of lights, doesn’t matter, that is the beauty of using a zWave switch. The newer GE switches support LED lights, so you should be good as long as your box has a neutral.

I have ( a much older edition) of that fixture. LED outdoor spotlight bulbs and wired through a Leviton z-wave switch. Works fine, as far as weather proof hardwired PIR, you are right that your choices are extremely limited. If you want to experiment, you could use a battery powered one hooked up to a Solar charger with rechargeable batteries. That would eliminate your need to worry about changing batteries every 6 months. That’s how I solved the issue of batteries in my weather station.