Announcement: Update to Database

Go to
then click on ‘smartapps’ then click on the app you want to look at.

Thanks found it looks like mine actually stopped on the 19th but not seeing the waiting error your are.

sunrise_stopHandler 2016-01-24 11:15:00 PM EST WAITING Daily
sunset_triggerHandler 2016-01-24 4:39:00 PM EST WAITING Daily

And last fired time
sunset_triggerHandler 2016-01-19 4:34:14 PM EST 2016-01-19 4:34:14.333 PM EST 3 2915

I think they stopped updating the “Job History”, so whatever you see there is irrelevant. It was actually quite useful for troubleshooting, but they thought otherwise.

Gotcha and tonight they just fired on time.

I completely uninstalled and reinstalled my problematic SmartApp this morning. Worked great until about 2pm then the first Scheduled Event failed. Then about an hour ago the second one failed on the app.

So, at least for me, the latest fixes didn’t work. :sob:

yeah my pollster wont keep running either

I just mean that I don’t think the upgrade neither caused nor was intended to fix any scheduled routines that were already dead. Hopefully it will just stop future schedulers from dying.

So what you’re saying is that I have to reset my “bitching clock”? :smile:
I hope you’re right. We’ll see.

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We did not update the scheduler. Changes to the scheduler are incoming. These DB changes would not have improved, or "un"improved the scheduler.


Any timeframe on that schedule fix/update?

So the scheduler is the reason timed events or sunset/sunrise evens are failing?

Good to know, although your original anouncemnt did imply that they would be fixed. It’s hard to argue that majority of ST problems are due to broken scheduler.


Now all my devices are going haywire… Door claims to be open, cannot disarm SHM (keep getting a reminder notification about the intruder alert), motion in the garage (there’s none)…

Then there’s this…?

Hub irretrievably offline (solid blue light) again this morning (second day in a row).
Required soft reset to restore connection (red recessed button).
This had never happened before yesterday.
I hope this is not the new normal.

That explains why night routine never runs. Odd that my morning routine runs for the most part.

Suggestion: when you do an upgrade, might want to list the specific problems being fixed. Sets expectations.

Am assuming the cluster update fixed slow and missed event handling, and the mobile app errors? I am seeing better performance in this regard, after the Friday post-update hiccup was fixed.

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Can we get a more definitive ETA (other than usual “in a few weeks”) of when that might be, please? Personally, I’ve been waiting for almost two years for that to happen.

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The new scheduler is undergoing load testing. No solid date to speak of yet.

A PM guy once told me “if there’s no schedule, there’s no project” :smile:


As in migration tool.


No automations are working on my v2 hub.

Would be great to have the status page updated with what is happening.

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