Announcement: Update to Database

Can somebody tell me how to get my routines working again (since there’s no imminent upgrade)? I tried powering off, I tried the push-the-red-button reboot, I ran the Repair Z-Wave network. Nada… I’ve got nothing running automatically now. I can run the routines manually, I can turn on and off the lights manually or have Alexa do it. It sounds like some of you got it working again - there’s mention of resetting the clock or scheduler? How do I do that?

You can contact support and this is what they’re likely to tell you:

If you’re still having trouble, you can get the Routine/SmartApp back on schedule yourself by going into edit the Routine/SmartApp and saving it again. This shouldn’t happen often, so keep an eye on that and let us know if it stops working again.

That should do the trick, but if you’re still seeing any issues just let us know. If you’d like, we can also go in from our end and update the schedule manually to get it back on track.

So yeah, basically you have to babysit your automations for the time being.


Got that response also which is helpful but I went in to go and “save” my lighting automations… but all of my lighting apps are gone now. I certainly did not delete it. Took hours to get it set up originally as I have a full house of lights plus different rules for modes
Waiting to hear back if they can recover it… hope so.


Seriously… what the heck is going on… Do I need to blow out my account again?

We need them to either stop or lower the priority on whatever job they start at about 630-7PM EST every day. It crashes then for everyone every day

Opening my routines and saving them again for sunset/sunrise does not reset the scheduler correctly on my hub. They have not worked in almost a week now.

ok, I’ll try that. I’ve already contacted support but haven’t heard back.

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The workaround is to change the time and save it. Editing and saving without changing the time doesn’t fix it. I generally add or subtract a minute. For sunset/sunrise, change to actual time save it and then go back and set to sunset/sunrise and save.


Whatever you did, isn’t working.

Of course the night time routine never runs now. But the sunset didn’t run either.

And when I try to use Alexa to turn off a group of lights, some turn off, some don’t. Sometimes nothing happens.

I’m not getting that error in the mobile app, but I don’t necessarily consider that a “win”.

I have to agree with others now: this really isn’t ready for prime time.


Am I just lucky? Other than the mobile app issue with authentication during the upgrade, I have had no issues. I know it’s been only a few days, but things are all working for me (routines, time-based Smart lighting, Rule Machine rules, Echo…)

2/5 Thermostat temp adjustments fire, 2 out of 4 light schedules fired ON and 2 out 4 light schedules fired OFF over the post 24 hours. Its three freaking devices, should I be rebooting/removing re-adding devices after these “patches”?

Same here. Apart from the occasionally delay in a light switching on from motion (a common problem that’s been around forever), everything is working great for me, and I’ve got a lot of routines that run on schedules and sunrise/sunset.

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mine is all working GREAT except at 6:30-7PM EST daily it starts to fail and recovers a couple hours later

I don’t think it’s a job as much as it is the traffic. Lot’s of automations kick in after sunset.

yeah we will see if the timing changes as we work the season

Problem with that on my side is my lighting automations are all offset to be before sunrise/sunset from 30-60min to turn on before sunset and 480 before sunrise to turn off. So server traffic shouldn’t be an issue.And being on the east coast I should be ahead of the game. :slight_smile:

This theory, though given as an excuse by SmartThings, was debunked awhile ago at one of the developer tele-conferences. Sunrise and sunset spreads the load compared to a specific time such as 5:00 PM.

The fundamental issue is the scheduling is built on the 1970 era cron. Until SmartThings migrates to a more modern robust scheduling tool (which I understand is in process), we will continue with scheduling issues.

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My bathroom temp hit 103 today, because the RM rule didn’t bother to close a vent.

I went to RM looked at the rule, did nothing, exited, and it closed the vent.


How many sunsets and sunrise times are there? One per timezone? Not a lot of diversity there. 10 per zipcode? probably not.

Seems to me that sunrise and sunset synchronizes many user actions and drives up the peak load. If all sunrise/sunset actions were randomized within a 10 minute window, then you could at least hope the load is flattened. Same for the clock-scheduled actions.

It’s determined by geographic location.

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