Announcement: Changes to scheduler history in IDE

Hey guys and gals!

I am writing this to let you all know that we have, for the time being, turned off schedule history in the IDE. We are currently re-evaluating how we can turn this back on, but in the meantime we need to turn it off to help offset the load on the platform. This is not all history but just the scheduler history. You will still be able to see when the app itself sends commands to devices using event and device logs.

tl;dr - We are turning off the scheduler history for now with the plan to turn it back on when we can enhance this functionality while balancing for load/capacity issues.


Time to hire a DBA to figure out the database performance issues


Thanks for adding so much value to this announcement. I’m sure they’ll take the advice of a random internet stranger and go hire a DBA ASAP. I’m sure that neither Physical Graph nor Samsung has any on staff already.

I get that everyone’s worked up about things not working, but shooting the messenger and suggesting snarky remarks that have most certainly already been done doesn’t help anyone.

Yep. This two year old issue is well in hand. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


My remarks are not snarkey but are a sincere recommendation. ST has had constant DB performance issues for months - they have even switched DB engines multiple times already. Simply using Developers who have some SQL, Network or Server knowledge (DevOps) will never scale. To be a successful SaaS/Cloud provider they need to invest in Database, Network and Server experts. Hire industry leaders in the relivant fields and stop outsourcing to Amazon’s EC2 platform which has performed very poorly for ST.

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Or is is because the delay and execution time stats are so embarrassingly revealing? :smiling_imp:


I was actually surprised at the low values in Tim’s screenshot (save for the most recent entry).

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9:54AM is hardly a peak time. I routinely see execution times pushing 40 seconds around sunrise/sunset times.

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Time series high performance high availability engineers (like the ones that work on trading systems) are really expensive. Even more so in the Bay

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Hadoop is your friend, but, yeah, good luck trying to find anybody in the BA that’s affordable. Talk about unicorns…

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Any update on this? Coincidentally, I was in the IDE scheduler (at the time you posted this) checking why some scheduled events had failed today… and Job History was still displaying at that time. I checked again later (~ 30-60 mins) and found that history was gone, as advertised. As I type this now, it’s back again!

Personally, I’ve never found much use for schedule history (though I’d hate to lose it entirely), since by the time I’m down to digging in the scheduler, I already know there’s a problem and am mostly interested in Next Run Time. Occasionally, it’s helpful to see trends though. If it’s a burden on the platform, how about an on-demand system?

That’s the catch… “affordable”. I am a DBA in Orlando, and my lifestyle would change so much by moving to Cali.

edit: Lifestyle change would not for the better…

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Work remote for ST and help fix their issues. We will all be very grateful :yum:

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Seriously though, that’s what we’ve resorted to doing in some cases. You can hire 2 people in St Louis for the price of 1 in NYC or LA. :smile:

Funny thing is, I have glanced at the positions before… But I really feel the benefit of working at SmartThings is the partnership of people “on-site”. I personally thrive in that.

I am not surprised, the activity hitting your system must be massive. I’m constantly amazed at how noisy the smart devices are. They’re always calling home. This on top of the manual, scheduled, Alexa, IFTTT, etc-driven events and activity.

You should experiment around with what you can and cannot drop, to see if you can cut the noise. And we should be understanding of such efforts, especially since you’re good about communicating them.

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Curious: are you guys still using Cassandra?


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I’ve seen a presentation by an engineer for SmartThings, I can say with surety, SmartThings has very capable system people.

Frankly, I feel antiquated next to them. Sigh.

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Migration to Cassandra, which happened in October 2014, was billed as a fix-it-once-and-for-all for platform performance issues. My feeling is that stability today is no better, if not worse, than it was 15 month ago. :frowning: