Android Presence

Hey everyone,

Is it possible to add multiple devices with Android presence at this time? I have Android presence on my device (it’s worked flawlessly for me so far) and a presence tag for my wife, but I need to track the presence of one more person. I suppose I could purchase another presence tag but since she has an Android device, I’d rather not if it’s possible to track more than one Android device now or in the near future.



Yes you can. Just install the ST app on the phones you want and log on to your account after it installs.

A drawback is that whoever is using that phone also controls all your Things. In my case, my wife and daughters have the app installed. After the initial period of “I can control things” wears off, they now use the app a little more responsibly instead of my daughters messing with each other…

Hopefully ST will develop a presence app instead of requiring the full app, but for now this works for me.

Thank you, didn’t think of trying that for some reason.