Android 2.1.2/2.1.3 - Release Notes

  • Fixed crash when signing up as an invited user
  • Fixed issue where hub would remain in pair mode after leaving pairing screen
  • Added additional geofence logging to help troubleshoot mobile presence
  • Device join improvements
  • Returned to previous activity after app is terminated
  • Fixed HREF and multiple sections
  • Hide a soft keyboard when selecting other UI components
  • Fixed exception when editing rooms
  • Fixed Smart Lighting screen not updating immediately after user adds new automation
  • Fixed a crash when removing a device from room before it populates to the list
  • Thermostat operating state now shows in multi-attribute tile
  • Hide all thermostat controls that are not being used
  • Fixed missing display of SECONDARY_CONTROL on lighting tiles
  • Fixed custom location image doesn’t load on new install
  • Fixed that Device Details text on state tile is too small
  • Fixed some tile views are drawn repeatedly
  • Fixed user can’t log out from app when on second level of navigation
  • Fixed numeric validation input based on range

You all have been very busy today. Good to see the updates flowing.

I hope this is being done for iOS also :slight_smile:

Hi Tim,

I created a thread about the Android 2.1.2 issues…

See here:



So far I have not received one unexpected error message!!!:champagne:

Thank you ST!!


I get force close on all dashboard buttons . Lights, motion all start to go and force close… now app is more useless than it was before. I know hard to believe!!!

i did not receive any unexpected error messages or network errors. but my SHM dashboard is taking time to load then before. other thing i found in notification in activity feed is that they are getting cleared up when ever i do refresh to smartapps or close the app and reopen again. it is to not happen before the app upgrade or hub upgrade. may be it designed to work like that. i would like to have all the activity feeds to be saved or atleast few days.

Interesting that no mention was made of the change in ‘Things’ view from round icons to rectangular buttons. I guess that’s one way of resolving the issue of truncating text with long labels. :wink:

Unfortunately, this update breaks the dashboard for everything but SHM… meaning it’s broken for all v1 hub users. Details in the Issues thread. :weary:

There is a God…and he’s answered my nerd prayers!

I can’t believe the app experience on my Samsung Galaxy Tab A. I have not checked my phone yet.


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I do miss the round labels. When setting up rules, it looks a tad more confusing too.

Hello All, Sorry about the crash that is occurring on the dashboard. We just submitted a hot fix release to Google tonight and you should expect to see the crash resolved in Android 2.1.3 (it was just uploaded 5 minutes ago). Thanks for your patience and feedback. On the other issues reported here I will be working with my team in the morning to make sure we’re tracking these issues and prioritize them into future releases.

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My app is not loading anything. It satarted crashing since 10 min. I cannot arm or i cannot do anything. Now i have to and turn of everything manually

Still no real fixes to SHM, still gives a spinning status when changing arm modes. Still lots of wasted real estate on its main status page, it should give a 1 page status, shouldn’t have to scroll on it cause of the wasted screen space. Also, sure would be nice to clear/delete the SHM log, kind of nuts to have to look at over 6 months of false alarms generated by a bad system. Still don’t reset lighting after clearing a false system alarm, Hub V1 did?

The crashes in the App being fix shows progress and that Smartthings is working to get this system stable. Thank You! Keep working hard.

I know the tone in this community seems negative at times but many of us are engineers by profession and that’s just our nature. We all want Smartthings to be successful. We would not have invested so much of our personal hard earned money in home automation devices if we wanted anything else. I would rather Smartthings spend the needed time stabilizing the system than adding new features to an unstable system.

Keep up the good work!


This is one of the best updates in a long time… thanks guys! Keeping the faith!

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What this app can really do with is caching between sessions. Fed up with looking at a blank screen when trying to load up.
Is not as difficult as it sounds. You already cache in a session when there are network issues etc. You just need to extend and modify the same function calls to create a smoother user experience at startup.

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Thanks guys 2.1.3 is coming through OK can I suggest you change the Thread header as it took me a while to work out why I was receiving 2.1.3 when 2.1.2 was the latest with release notes.

Still only seeing 99/100 devices at a time via the app. Not able to see/manage ALL of the devices that are defined on my hub (v2 in case that matters.)

Thankfully, the app no longer crashes uncontrollably in Notifications. :slight_smile:

Please continue to research/fix this device-limit issue. This has me pretty much dead-in-the-water…

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Also I miss the round labels for aesthetics but sometimes usability has to win out :wink: