Went for a browse for new HA products on Amazon and saw that they are now categorizing by Hub Compatibility
So if you’re in question about whether a product is ST compatible, you’ll find nearly all of them in one place now.
Maybe the sales/marketing department can provide amazon with an up to date list of compatible devices so they can keep growing the store. More devices sold could equal more hubs sold. @Ben
Yeah we have to manually update that. We are launching an new and improved version of the compatible devices google doc as early as today. Thew marketing team is updating the Amazon page too.
@Ben might I also recommend highlighting newly added products on the list in a different color or something, that way those of us who stalk it can immediately see whats new!
@ben I can vouch for Philips LivingColors (friends of hue) which works 100% fine with ST but not listed as supported. It has been months since it has been working and ST recognizes it at the first go.
@Ben So when is the new Google Doc going to be released, and when is the Amazon site going to be updated? I haven’t noticed any changes since this was posted.
Not a big one but Philips Hue fans will like this. The livingcolors works absolutely fine and have been testing it for weeks. Much better than the bloom.