Thanks, it does. I just got more mad all day today thinking about this. These event log entries have become the norm:
As I look back, there were more clues that something was up. I had a few zwave devices drop/disappear for no reason a few months back, and all support could tell me was that someone removed them with another controller like a Minimote - but my argument back was how is that possible when these happened at 2am when we were all asleep? Or better yet, when nobody was home? Or better yet, when I witnessed it happen right in front of my eyes?
I also explained to support that to exclude a device someone had to start the exclude process and then physically be at the switch to complete the process. How could a device be deleted (the only entry in the event log, no exclude events) when nobody was there to press a button? If ST’s implementation of zwave allowed that it would be considered a huge flaw.
I also found a bug in their rejoin/join process for a device that disappeared. If the device was excluded as they say, then why did it get the same DNI when it was added back to the hub as a new device? I know, because their routing tables are corrupt and/or have database problems. Soon after adding the device back to ST it would disappear again, and the only way to work around the bug was to let ST make it disappear again, do a general exclude on the device, and then add it back. That gave it a new DNI and they start working again just fine (until now…)
Don’t get me started on the huge number of ghost devices floating around out there either. No matter what I’ve tried or even their next level support staff would do, ghost devices always, always, came back.
We should add to our ST wish list some kind of mesh debug tool, routing table view tool, or ANY BASIC tool to help us work out weird crap that happens…

Sure did, which makes me wonder if I should just hold on to the replacement hub until the next firmware update to see if anything changes.
I thought about another solution,and I was a Vera user at one time long ago. I’ll never go back. Other solutions don’t appeal to me.
I had to do this twice before believe it or not, but not with this many devices. First was my v1 hub with maybe a hundred devices, and that took a weekend. Then again later with a v2 hub with around two hundred devices if I remember right, and that took two weeks. I actually posted something about that experience. I’ll be referring to that at some point.
I don’t know if I could ever justify anything with ST, but I have been with them from the beginning so I must be willing to tolerate a ton, right? It went from a hobby to an obsession, and then to something we really do use a lot in our house. I’m very pleased with how my family is using it, and overall I am pleased with SmartThings.
Yeah, you would think so…
I mentioned this above, but I won’t go back. I’m not ready to give up on ST, yet… I don’t use ST to run/manage anything critical to safety or security, but it is a backup. ST is purely for automation.
Rejoining is going to suck so bad, especially devices like Aeon micro switches tucked away inside walls, and a Leviton dual switch that kicks my butt all the time. I will have to uninstall apps and Routines, but I will be able to retain them in the IDE to help speed up the rebuild process. I’m also taking snapshots of my automations and settings that will help me rebuild. No matter what I do to help ease this process - it sucks.
Thanks for all the replies guys.