So i asked on Alexa Reddit before and nobody was able to help.
In smartthings I have a virtual switch, and once that switch turns on, it starts a script in Webcore. If i turn on the virtual switch manually in smartthings all works well.
But since 1 week that doesn<t work in Alexa (it did before). If i check the virtual switch in the alexa app it says the device doesn’t respond. But all my other smartthings devices works though Alexa.
Stuff i tried
Deleting the switch in alexa and rediscovering devices
Rebooting Alexa and smarthings
Deauthroize smarthings in alexa, delete the device in Alexa, reauthorise the device in Alexa and run a device discovery
Nothing works
The only thing i can see is that i changed router this week, but I don’t think that it’s that problem? (since other smartthings device works)