Aeotec Smart Home Hub/2018/2015 Model Hub Firmware Release Notes - 0.55.4

We will begin rolling out Samsung SmartThings Hub firmware version 0.55.5 starting on 09 Dec 2024. Once downloaded, your Hub will briefly go offline as it reboots and applies the update; most customers will experience less than one minute of downtime. We will update the status page when the release is complete.

Hub Target:

  • Samsung SmartThings Hub 2015 (Hub v2)
  • Samsung SmartThings Hub 2018 (Hub v3)
  • Aeotec Smart Home Hub

Release Date: 09 DEC 2024 - 20 DEC 2024

Note that this release will be spread out over the course of multiple weeks, so you may not see your Hub update on the first day of the release period. This release period is an estimate, so the rate of hubs updated and final completion date may vary slightly within the timeframe. Please check the status page for more up to date information on this release.

Release Notes


  • Fix race condition during Zigbee device firmware updates where status messages can be received out of order, resulting in the status “Requesting update” being displayed until the update completes when “Updating” should have been displayed.
  • Fixed an issue that may affect onboarding for battery-powered Zigbee devices in certain (uncommon) situations.
  • Fixed an issue that can cause an infinite loop during joining for certain Zigbee devices with non-standard behavior.

Edge Drivers

  • Extend the latency improvements for default handlers introduced in the 0.54 release to include Color Temperature and Color Control capabilities for Zigbee and Matter devices.
  • Fixed a bug related to very large messages in the communication layer between edge drivers and the hub software
  • Made performance improvements for drivers that opt out of the Zigbee attribute monitoring functionality that is provided by default for Zigbee drivers.

Does this firmware happen to address the issues with FE599 locks going online/off-line?


Unlikely given this post in the topic regarding the locks going offline/online.

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Reminding you:

Two problems are still missing:

  1. increase the transition of oflline time, so we won’t receive false offline states from zigbee devices that works on battery, that didn’t report status within 2 hours. I prefer 10 hours.
  2. Bring back HTML in custom capabilities edge driver to app as requested by @w35l3y here:[Feature Request] Allowing HTML in Custom Capabilities

App update (not hub). Please allow to choose language of the app. So, mobile phone can be 1st language and app will be other language.


Starting Friday 12.6.2024 my hub started going offline several times a day, at some points several times an hour. I have my HA stuff on its own vlan, and besides the Hub, all vlans and network are fine with no issues. I have a V2 hub running 000.055.00004 as the firmware. I have rebooted the Hub, The switch the router and the Fiber ONT. I have tried to get logs from the hub, but I can’t seem to find were they are now. Will likely open a support ticket tomorrow, just reaching out here first

My v.2 hub went offline about one hour ago and never came back online. Now the status light is flashing blue rapidly. Please tell me this FW update did not bork my hub. Should I just reboot it and hope for the best?

The firmware has not been pushed out yet. It starts tomorrow. Unless you are in the Beta group.

Power cycled hub and router and it’s back online now.


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Today at 17.40 GMT I received 55.5.

I would very much disagree with the estimated downtime, now that we have various Matter devices it takes considerably longer for them to come back online.

In particular a hub reboot has caused unwanted disruption with the front door lock, an Aqara U200, as it was offline and would not unlock in the usually way.

I would propose that hub reboots should be configurable for night time only by users.

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+1. would love to hear where this is on their priority list

This update broke all my samsung motion and door triggers to phillips hue lighting. Soon time to move to google. Been a samsung fanatic for over a decade and the last 2 years have been so painful, i might just jump ship on them.

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Since the update I’m seeing very very slow or no response from z-wave devices. I have several Minoston z-wave wall remotes that I use to control all my lights along with scenes. Each remote controls multiple lights in several rooms along with triggering scenes, ever since the update any button sequence either doesn’t work or takes minutes to actually trigger. If I use the ST app, Google home or Alexa to perform the same function it happens immediately so it is is clearly some issue with the z-wave remotes. Several of them showed offline to tonight. I checked my hub status it shows “no connected devices” even though I have over 100 smart devices connected to it. All but a handful are showing online in the app when I display all devices. The few that are offline are zigbee lights that are on switches that are turned off. Something is seriously screwed up with this firmware!

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If anyone from Samsung is actually monitoring this thread the issue with devices going offline constantly is still happening since the 55.05 update. Also the Hub still shows that NO devices are connected to it in the SmartThings app even though devices, routines are working. What is going on with this release. Things were working fine with the previous firmware and I had infrequent offline devices. With this version I am seeing multiple devices going offline multiple times throughout the day and night and my Minoston remotes are almost useless now. Button presses get registered 1 out of 5 times after multiple presses.

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My firmware version is


Am I on a recent firmware version?

I am guessing these threads don’t include the leading zeros in the version and perhaps there is an unannounced patch version.


Hub v3, 2018

55.5 is the latest and no leading zeroes.

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