I just received the above sensor to use for triggering ceiling fans on and off based on temp. It paired fine as directed in instructions. It reported temp in F. But when I attempted to incorporate it into a rule to turn on a ceiling fan when temp is equal to or above 74F, I found that the allowed range was -20 to 50. Does anyone know how I can resolve this issue?
What Edge driver or DTH was assigned to it?
If an Edge driver, install the zigbee Motion Sensor Mc driver and switch to it on the device and see if resolves the issue. If it was assigned a DTH, you would need to install the Edge driver, remove the device, add it back by tapping Scan for nearby devices.
link to driver: SmartThings. Add a little smartness to your things.
community developed tool to help determine if device is using Edge driver or DTH: https://community.smartthings.com/t/smartthings-api-browser-now-available-to-all/249907
Thanks for your help with the issue. As it turned out the problem just magically resolved itself. I don’t want to look a gift horse in the mouth so I’m just accepting it and moving on.