I recently got an Aeotec Multisensor 7 and I’m trying to pair it with SmartThings. It ends up getting added with a “Modified Z-Wave Door/Window Sensor for Smoke” device type and isn’t able to connect to the device.
Does this sensor with with SmartThings? I’ve tried using other DTHs like “Aeotec Multisensor” and “Aeotec Multisensor 6” but it’s still not able to connect.
Is there a custom DTH I should be using for this?
Managed to get this working. For those who stumble upon this frustrated their new sensor doesn’t pair correctly, you need to install the edge driver from Aeotec first.
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I am having some trouble adding this device as well. I have downloaded the edge drivers, but when i click on the device in the ST App there is no “edge driver” in the three dots. It is also only showing as motion sensor when I do add the device. When i refresh the device it says unable to update device information.
When you say you “downloaded the Edge drivers”, did you install them to your hub?
The link above contains a “Direct invitation link” you can click to install them directly to your hub. You’ll have to sign in first.
Once signed in, you should be able to enroll your hub in the channel and list the available drivers. In the list of available drivers, look for the “Aeotec MultiSensor 7” and click the “Install” button.
Once the driver is installed, try pairing the Multisensor 7 to your hub again. You may need to unpair it and pair again to have it pick up the edge driver.
Yes, i clicked the enroll, then went through and installed the driver to the hub. I went back in after to verify, and it did give me the option to “uninstall”.
I am wondering if it is a bad sensor. I have tried deleting and repairing, and the light keeps flashing purple.
Ok, i guess it was something to do with the sensor itself. I got a bit frustrated and clicked the action button about 20 times, and it seemed to have reset itself. I got it to light up green, and reconnected and it is working now. I am able to also see the driver is correct!
Good to hear. The sensor was a bit maddening for me, too. Inconsistent lights of multiple colors… I was never sure what state it was in. At some point I’m sure I also clicked the action button 20 times, which appears to do the trick. 
One tip I’ve found with it… you’ll get a LOT more frequent data reporting if you plug it into a power source. Some readings, like those for temperature, humidity and light, only update around every 10 minutes if running on battery. I tried messing with the reporting settings to adjust this, but they never seemed to do much. Once plugged into a power source, I get a new light reading every 30 seconds.
If you’ve paired it while running batteries and you want to switch to power source instead, you won’t see the more frequent data reporting unless you unpair and re-pair it while plugged in. It seems to have some sort of setting for the power source that’s only set on initialization.