I have installed a micro switch(not the smart version), and in general it work properly.
It is connected to a standard toggle wall switch controlling two ceiling light fixtures.
The wall switch controls the lights properly, and I can turn the lights on/off using the Smartthings app or ActionTiles.
The issue is that the apps do not correctly report the on/off status of the lights if I use the wall switch.
If I turn the lights on using the apps, the apps update to indicate that they are on.
If I then turn them off using the wall switch, the apps still indicate On.
Same thing if I turn them off using the wall switch. The apps don’t update to indicate Off.
I’ve tried both the Z Wave Switch Generic, and Z Wave Metering Switch device handlers. Both behave the same way.
Anyone else notice this also?
Any suggestions to get the apps to correctly update when using the wall switch?
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
How long are you waiting before concluding it’s not updating the status?
I have a micro switch but it’s been a while since I set it up. I’m pretty sure the stock device handler wasn’t doing instant status updates (i.e. wait a couple mins and the status in the app will update). However the device itself is capable of that. Search the forum for @Mike_Maxwell’s custom device handler as this one does enable the instant status updates. I’ve been using it for quite a while and it’s great.
The other possibility might be that it’s not sensing the correct switch? ie momentary vs toggle vs 3-way. This parameter can be changed with mike’s device handler as well. I don’t think this is the issue though, because I think that would cause a different problem; flipping the wall switch would cause your lights to behave unexpectedly.
Thanks Mark.
I’ve waited 20 minutes now for the status to update… not yet.
I’ll try Mike’s DH. Hope that works better.
Update: Looks like to took about 25 minutes to update on its own in Smartthings and Action Tiles.
Thanks for your reply.
I’ll try your DH and let you know how it works.
Well Mike…
Looks like your aeonSwitch device handler works! Nearly instantaneous status update.
Now I can install the second switch that I bought.
No more lights left on in the basement overnight.