I have the ADT SmartThings hub. It came with two door/window sensors and a motion sensor. One of the door/window sensors would not pair in the SmartThings app, however the ADT panel does recognize it and alerts when the door is opened. I called ADT about this sense the app does not recognize the sensor as one of my “Things”. ADT also confirmed they did not see this sensor and despite the sensor being able to trigger my alarm, ADT has no record of the sensor alarming or “firing”.
I tried to do a factory reset on the sensor. It seemed to reset fine. However the app still could not pair. Now the problem is my ADT doesn’t recognize the sensor anymore and claims it to be missing or as it says “Tamper”. I cannot set the alarm without having to do a bypass code now, which is very annoying. ADT says I have to obtain an “instillation toolkit” code. This menu is accessed by clicking the ADT symbol on the lower let part of the hub screen. The downside is ADT does not know what this code is. None of my manuals give me this code, nor do they mention this menu. I have found nothing online about this. When I spoke to SmartThings support, they did not have this code either.
Does anyone know how to fix this? Also, I have reset the hub multiple times with no help.
I have had a similar problem. The bypass code is in one of the booklets, I can double check my booklet later tonight. And for the issue with the sensor, I had to factory reset the ADT SmartThings Hub along with deleting my account.
Try 1501 for installation setup, but I think there is nothing overther can help you, but you can try …