Adding devices headache

Once the device has the correct fingerprint. :wink:


As others in the thread have stated: super important!

Like you, I have some of the old GoControl devices from long ago, I have two of the motion sensors in service at this time–and they were cantankerous to get paired with SmartThings. I took them close to the hub, did the pairing until it resulted in the correct fingerprint, relocated the device to the desired location, and followed that with a Z-Wave Repair to rebuild the routing tables.

Ironically, it was only the motion sensors that were this tough to get paired. I also have four of the old GoControl contact sensors in service that paired much more easily…


I managed to Remove, Exclude and Reinstall all the GoControl motion sensors (took a while, Re-adding them is a pain) and the new CS driver picked them all up. I then ran Z-wave Repair and that took a while. After this all the motion lights I used massively sped up to only take a second to switch on, whereas before some took 15 seconds.

Then I took a couple hour nap and seen that all of a sudden some of the motion lights were not working, and others were taking 20 to 30 seconds to come on. I then noticed that all my GoControl contact sensors were offline (all these use the Z-wave Sensor Driver (Any alternative for these?) I then opened and closed them all to get then back online (some I had to do numerous times (so very bad security system) and now I am repairing the mesh again. Wait it just did and had an unknow device which is new to me. Hmmm

So I am wondering if my V2 hub is going out. It is nearly 8 years old and has been on non stop. Wait, I am writing this on a i7 Toshiba M780 Laptop that is 14 years old. Hmmm Thoughts, do I need a new hub?

IMHO, I doubt it. If it were me and I wanted to throw some money at the problem, I would replace the older original Z-Wave GoControl devices with something newer–preferably Z-Wave Plus 700 or 800 devices. (I like the Zooz products a lot, but there are many choices out there.)

Then there are folks who prefer Zigbee devices (mine are all Z-Wave), so you have choices–which is good. :smiley:


I thought about replacing them. All my light switches, sockets, sensors are Z-wave. The only thing I use for ZigBee is non essential stuff, like the dozen sockets behind my TV for game consoles and whatever. I did get a few Fibaro Z-wave plus motion sensors, but they suck batteries and I have had a couple fail in just a few months.

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