3-way Dilemma Leviton or Linear for Kitchen/Living area. Instant or Not?

Got ya’ @JDRoberts

FYI, @Nezmo

You sure can, but it will require a temporary use of a custom device handler - and maybe the proper firmware as mentioned above, but it won’t hurt to try. Once you change the rates, and you’re happy with it, just go back to ST’s default handler “dimmer switch”. I did this for all my GE dimmers which are all 4xxxx series.

I put this DH together for me, and it’s easy for anyone to use. Here’s how:

(I’m assuming you know how to create your own DH via the IDE)

Key parameters to understand:

Dim Rate Adjustments: (stolen in part from the post JD linked above)

Both the number of steps (or levels) that the dimmer will change and the timing of the steps can be modified to suit personal preferences. The timing of the steps can be adjusted in 10 millisecond intervals.

When Receiving a Z-Wave Dim Command:

Parameter 7 (number of steps or levels) : Valid values (default = 1) 1-99
Parameter 8 (timing of the steps) : Valid values (default = 3) 1-255

When pressing the Dimmer’s rocker (Manual Control Dimming):

Parameter 9 (number of steps or levels) : Valid values (default = 1) 1-99
Parameter 10 (timing of the steps) : Valid values (default = 3) 1-255

Here’s the code:


Once you Save and Publish, go to the device in the app and via the Device Preferences section, make any parameter changes and tap on Done. Then tap on the “Fix Ramp Rate” tile. If I remember right, just turn on/off the dimmer and you should notice the change.