2 Channel Sunricher Zigbee relay - Only 1 channel working

I have got a Sunricher 2 channel Zigbee relay - SK-ZIGBEE-BOX-RELAY-2CH. But when I connect it with SmartThings I’m only able to control 1 channel.
I have tried the drivers from Mariano - but I keep getting that the fingerprint is not valid.

Even my aqara dual-channel relay has the same problem, only one channel working in Smartthing.

I have a couple of Zooz devices and the way those work is you have to go into settings in smartthings

for that device and turn on the function of showing each relay separately.

Unfortunately there are no settings menu, when using the Zigbee Switch driver from SmartThings.
So I guess I would need another edge driver - and I haven’t been able to find one that works.

Could you install Zigbee Thing Mc driver.
Using Zigbee Thing Mc driver is possible to read exact model and manufacturer.
Then it is possible to check which driver is supporting your device.

Server Cluster:
Client Cluster:

You can install Zigbee Thing Mc driver from Mariano’s Edge drivers Shared Channel
