Zwave motion sensor to replace Iris 3326-L

I use Iris 3326-L motion sensors in several locations in my house. Generally they work well, but one location the battery is draining fast; I’ve changed out the motion sensor to a previously unused 3326-L sensor. The location it isn’t working well is furthest from the smartthings hub. Besides the 3326 sensors, my only other zigbee is three phillips hue color bulbs; one of which is 20 feet and 3 walls from this problem motion sensor. I do have a good zwave network with 20+ zooz switches.

(1) What troubleshooting would you do with the sensor?
(2) If you went to zwave motion sensor, which would be a good option?

I had a similar issue a few years ago. I’ll find the thread and post a link here if I can. Out of curiosity - and I’m not sure how/where this would be visible in the new Advanced User view - are you able to see the sensor firmware and last update? The ones that are still online show a blank for “last update status” and “last update status reason”, so I’m not sure if one of those fields would show the information I remember. The one sensor that I had with a fast battery drain showed as being updated by SmartThings, while all the rest were factory set with the same firmware revision. My suspicion at the time was that there was some kind of bug or transfer failure in that update that led to the battery issues.

Here’s the original thread. I guess the firmware update date is the field to look at; if it’s after you purchased the device, then it would have to have been done by your hub.

That is interesting; good memory from 2019! I don’t see anything different in my sensors from one another. All have same firmware (1C005310), which I’ve checked in the ST app (iOS) and the ST website under devices / attributes.