Zooz ZSE02 motion sensor, Smartthings motion sensor--reducing pet sensitivity?

I have both Zooz ZSE02 motion sensor and Smartthings motion sensors. Right now I use them to swicth lights on and off. They are useless for use in security as I have cats and dogs who trigger them all the time.

Can someone please write some code that can help with the sensors above only triggering for a human in a certain Mode/Presence?


These work great for me I currently have 4 in place. I have 2 Boxers and they do not set off motion. Downside, if you call it that, is that they only re-trigger ever 4 minutes. Not a big deal for me. You can op to have them report like every 10 seconds as long as you have a solid power source. (Hardwire Hack)



These are zigbee a bit on the large size compare to other motion sensors but does offer pet sensor immunity.

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If your Boxers do not trigger the sensor then my Portuguese Water Dog won’t either so I am going to try these. Thanks.
I assume you have the setting on PET2 for medium pets?

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I’ve seen where some people take a piece of tape to cover part of the sensor so that it doesn’t trigger below a certain height. I don’t know how practical it is in your situation (looks and aesthetics), but it’s an idea. :slight_smile:

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It seems this sensor considers pets up to 31 pounds only. My dog is 55 pounds. Not sure how the sensor works out the pounds lol, I guess the overall image of the pet gives an idea of the weight. My one cat weights 25 pounds yet my dog is 3 times the size of my cat in height.

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I have a 35# Staffie and with the Ecolink sensors on Pet setting#1, he doesn’t trigger them. He DOES trigger my Smartthings Motion sensors though (on purpose, lol).


The Zooz sensor is mounted on the ceiling right now so the tape won’t work but I get your point. If you mount it on the wall you can try to block some of the field of detection.

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I have 3 of these as well. LOVE them.


Also using Bic’s wite-out to keep the clean look works too.


I never thought to use white-out!!! Thanks for the idea!


All of these sensors are PIR, passive infrared, so they aren’t actually detecting motion. Instead, they are measuring very slight changes in heat as it moves across the field of the lens.

So the reason they say by “pounds” is that they have set the sensor to ignore changes in heat below a certain level. Even though the dog’s resting temperature is higher than a human being’s, the total mass of the dog determines how much heat is being given off. So the smaller the animal, the less total heat. They’re just making an estimate as to how much heat a 30 pound warm blooded animal will give off.

So the three options are those that others have already suggested:

One) choose a sensor with adjustable sensitivity. Some are labeled as “pet immune” but others just have the same adjustment without saying specifically that it’s for pets. For example, I the Fibaro allows for sensitivity adjustments.


Two) limit the detection field by partially blocking the lens. you can do this with tape, White out, by attaching a tube over the lens, etc.

Three) change the position of the motion sensor so that it is less likely to detect pets. People who use sensors to turn lights on when humans come into a room sometimes put a tube over the lens and then mount the sensor at adult shoulder height so that the human will pass it on the way into the room. This is a good way to avoid having dogs trigger it, although sometimes cats will still trigger it if they jump into the detection area such as jumping up onto a shelf. :smile_cat:

But unfortunately there’s no way just with software to add sensitivity adjustment to a sensor which does not have that feature.

Of the ones mentioned, the ecolink does have pin settings inside the case, so you can change the setting again later if you want.

The Bosch literally has a little plastic tab covering part of the lens when you get it, which is what is supposed to eliminate false alerts from pets. To increase the sensitivity again you remove the tab, and I’m not sure it can ever be put back.

The Fibaro has a parameter which lets you adjust the sensitivity through configuration from 8 to 255, so it actually gives you the most choices to try. (just make sure you get the Z wave model, as that’s the one that will work with SmartThings. The HomeKit model is not compatible.)

The SmartThings brand doesn’t have any way of adjusting sensitivity, but quite a few people have been successful with the tube and positioning method.

Good luck, let us know what ends up working for you! :sunglasses:


Thank you for this detailed information! It is very helpful. The Fibaro is a bit expensive but as you say provide the most options.

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There are some other brands you can look at as well. The aeotec multi six has a sensitivity adjustment through five levels, so not as precise as the Fibaro, but more precise than the Ecolink.


If you want to stick with the ceiling mount, I would probably try either the Fibaro or the aeotec. If you’re willing to go to a wall mount at shoulder height, there will be a lot more sensors you can try.