With my kids at home for school, I’d like to be able to know when/if they are on mute in their respective classes. I work from home and like to check in on them occasionally but don’t want to be heard by the whole class. Anybody have any ideas to connect the microphone status to something connected, such as a light with color?
Brand, model, and operating system of the devices they are using for zoom?
Alternatively, just use the Echo show mini And you can drop in and check on them via the Camera without making any sound.
You need two of them, but this is a really nice video intercom with a lot of additional functionality.
Depends on what they are using for Zoom. If it’s a PC then EventGhost should be able to capture mic on/off commands and send those to ST.
It will take a little work but again, should be doable.
Step 6 below will get you started with receiving PC events in ST.
Sorry for not including the equipment. My kids are on school issued dell chromebooks. I like the idea of Eventghost. reading the state of the microphone would be the most reliable.
I don’t think the echo show idea works. I want to be able to ask them how they are doing and just dropping in doesn’t tell me if they are unmuted with their class/teacher.
I like the brainstorming though.
Yeah, I keep wandering in and going “psst, are you on mute?” Unlikely that I can automate anything since my daughter’s on an iPad at the moment. I did find the Zoom setting though to keep the controls always on screen, then it’s one less tap for her to unmute and easier for me to peek at. It looks like the PC version has the same option (under General).
If the mute indicator is visible on the screen, you can set up the echo show so that you can see that screen on the chromebook. (The iPad is trickier because the child’s body will probably block the screen)
So you can drop in, see for yourself whether the screen is muted, and if it is, speak to the child, maybe tell them that you’re going to physically come into the room so they should leave it muted.
I have a friend who is doing this with their child, that is viewing the screen of the child’s laptop, as part of their home school/home office set up. it’s one of the reasons I recommended the echo 5 with the adjustable stand.
Our latest tutorial demonstrates how to react to events/statuses from zoom.
June 2021:
For those who want a very simple method, although with fewer options, Zoom has just added an IFTTT service, making integration with SmartThings very easy.