Z-wave Status Not Updating

Alright I’ve finally found a solution that allows me to include the gocontrol/linear garage door into my routines. It involves some steps but they were easy for me to follow. It basically turns your garage opener into an on-off switch… Also includes some other automation if you want. Be sure to remove the opener from your routines as this would be basically adding the opener as a switch. N00bs guide to ST & GD00Z (Garage Door Controller)

Doesn’t solve my having to refresh to see the actual status, but it solves the bigger problem.

@mytaytay see my last post for what I found @bravenel thanks for the help… Didn’t go that route as I have an IP camera where I can see if there’s a question. Either way you were literally the only person that offered help. Both smartthings and gocontrol/linear ignored my emails.