Z-Wave radiator TRVs?

Which, if any, wireless radiator thermostat valves work with SmartThings?
I’m looking at the Danfoss ones - http://zwave-products.co.uk/shop/article_206/danfoss
But someone on a forum (http://www.automatedhome.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?3789-Heat-Genius) says they don’t report temperature back to a Z-Wave controller. Seems mad.

Any thoughts?

Boiler control (ie. main single thermostat control) sounds all well and nice, but I can save more money by smartly turning individual room radiators on and off from my SmartThings remote and based on presence etc.

Hi Robert,
Check out Radiator Labs. It’s even better than a TRV. The latest version is outfitted with a Zigbee model and boiler control is in the works. They are running a kickstarter campaign to build a wifi-enabled consumer version for those who don’t have something like a SmartThings hub.
