Z-Wave Devices going offline

Starting last week, every few hours around 7-10 z-wave devices are going offline. If I reboot the hub through the IDE they come back online. I have tried several z-wave repairs, that all fail on multiple devices. It seems to affect all types of devices - GE Light switches, gocontrol garage door controllers, aeotek multi-sensors, and Schlage door locks.

I am beginning to think that I have a hub that is going bad. Any thoughts?

I have not heard back from support since Sunday - but I have left the hub running and not rebooted it. The same 11 devices go offline and then a few hours later come back on their own and then go back offline for a few hours.

Interesting, which firmware is hub running?

Also, some random things to check:

  1. is it on a power strip? If so test with direct to wall recept, could be malfunctioning surge protector
  2. how hot is it (the hub), does it have adequate ventilation?
  3. have you checked the IDE logs for possible issues? You might have to let the logs run for awhile to catch that random zwave failure
  4. any webcore pistons acting up and making too many requests or smart apps?
  5. Is your hub going offline (home router)?
  6. have you tried taking out the backup battery in the hub when you reboot?

If all these check out itā€™s possible the hub might be need to be replaced :frowning:

How do I check my Hubā€™s firmware version?

From the SmartThings mobile app:

  1. From the Home screen, select Menu (Menu icon) and touch Devices
  2. Select the Hub
  3. Select More Options (More Options icon) and touch Information
  4. Check the Firmware Version field

From the SmartThings Classic app:

  1. Tap the menu (Android) / More (iOS)
  2. Tap the Hub
  3. Check the Firmware Version field

You can also check your Hubā€™s firmware version through the SmartThings web console:

  1. Go to the SmartThings IDE
  2. Log in using the email and password for your SmartThings account
  3. Click My Hubs
  4. Check the Firmware Version field

What is the latest firmware version?

SmartThings Hub (2018)

000.026.0012 (26.12)

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Sounds like you might have a weak mesh or bad/overloaded repeater.

Have you added or removed any devices recently?
When the devices show ā€œofflineā€, are you still able to control them (or see sensor reports from them)?

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Matt - I have tried all of those, and the hub doesnā€™t go offline, and the devices cannot be controlled. My hub firmware is 000.026.00012.

Tony - I havenā€™t removed anything, but you did make me thinkā€¦ I did add an Aeotec whole house energy meter that reports tons of data. I wonder if this unit isnā€™t overwhelming the hub, especially since this problem is cyclical and the devices go offline and back online everyday. I am turning off the reporting and going to see what happens. I will post back my results.

Thanks for the help.

Well this morning I disconnected the Whole house energy meter and that seems to have fixed the issues. Went all day with nothing offline.

Thanks for the help.


btw - Which ST hub do you have?

I too seem to be having a very similar issue.

Iā€™m a newb to ST and have just joined this forum, however I had been using Fibaro HC2 for a number of years before converting to a ST Hub recently.
I came here as I was looking to find out how to back up the hub due to this happening 3 times now, which was really frustrating as
I spent quite a lot of time transferring my devices across as I have a large network.
Also tried rebooting ST hub and repairing mesh, But it didnā€™t change anything. It also seems to be random what type of devices just seem to go offline. The first time it appeared to be mostly battery operated devices so I went around and tested and changed batteries, most were between 90 -100% charged.
Next I noticed many of the hardwired Fibaro switches ( but not all) just seemed to be unavailable, some even still worked even though the app said they were unavailable.
Last night it seemed all my blind / roller shutter devices went offline. Again some of them work with the on / off button in the app even though they said offline.
Thatā€™s why I was looking for a backup option.
Anyone else had this issue lately?

Strange, I wonder how that effects the ST hub or zwave devices? Is it a DMS? Does it cut power to devices? Does the energy monitor broadcast itā€™s own radio signals like wifi or similar? The power monitoring is a great feature, hopefully you can get em working at the same time!

There is an issue with zwave devices with my ver2 hub with latest firmware. First my Schlage lock would not connect, then light switches began to respond slowly and now they are all unavailable. Repaired zwave countless times, rebooted the hub, etc. to no avail. Iā€™m ready to throw the towel on SmartThings and move on to something more reliable.

A new firmware is being pushed out on Monday Aug 26th, Can you wait until then and re-add your Z-Wave lock and provide feedback then?

Looking forward to this update hoping that it will fix the zwave issues. Will report back then.

Any news on the firmware update?

What is the firmware version running on your hub?

I got the update (27.6), but all my z-wave light switches are still responding extremely slow, 2 minutes or more to turn on or off or they become unavailable. I have not tried my lock since it seems that based on the light switches issues that the z-wave problem has not been resolved. I have a version 2 hub and all my light switches are GE.

I have been having a similar problems with a large number of devices going off-line over the last several days. Rebooting the hub usually brings them all back but the problem repeats the next day. I received the recent update that was mentioned and am now running 000.027.00006. Since then, things have settled down. Iā€™ll keep an eye on it but I am encouraged.

Anyone know how long it takes to push out the firmware or to force an update? Iā€™m still on 000.025.00050

The same thing started happening in my home about a week ago. I have several Z-Wave devices that are going offline: four Yale locks, two Honeywell thermostats, two go control garage door openers, and a water cop valve. I have many more zigbee devices and they are not affected. I have three other hubs in addition to the SmartThings Hub: Philips Hue, insteon, and a MyQ hub. None of the other Hubs seem to be affected.
Home Hub
Firmware version
Z-Wave DSK
Controller version

Would upgrading to a newer model of the SmartThings Hub correct this issue?

Iā€™m having a similar problem: 5 of my in-wall z-wave switches are suddenly going offline, every day, seemingly at random! This has been been happening for months, with 1 or 2 switches going offline, maybe once/week, and the situation has been gradually getting worse. They are older devices (ZW4001), originally installed by me, back when I was an ADT (2009, maybe?) Pulse subscriber. Then I moved to Iris-by-Lowes, and finally to Smartthings, when Iris closed down. I finally broke down and bought another, newer switch, for the garage light, that was always going offline in the ā€œONā€ state. Voila! That switch has been reliable, and has stayed online for a week now. I guess thatā€™s the solution, at least for me: the ZW4001 switches seem to have an expiration date.

I have a similar issue. My Schlage Keypad Doorlock was working yesterday, but today I canā€™t get it back online no matter where I put my Dome Repeater, or how many times I run ā€˜repair networkā€™. One curiosity is if I look at the repair log, pings are regular, and nothing shows as ā€˜failedā€™ for the Lock. Any suggestions?

Iā€™m running a V3 hub with the latest FW, and the Schlage Device Handler.