Your setup?

I am just wondering how and what your automating, I am only starting to think about putting automation in place. Beyond setting night mode automatically after 11pm (turn everything off). It’s got me thinking about automation and the variables that are involved, house goes into night mode and turns everything off simple enough only it’s not, what if someone in the house is awake reading or watching TV example then we go into the realms of (if or and) etc.

It feels (in my head anyway) that’s rules could get out of control with the variables involved etc.

I have a wake up more that turns on the bed lamp at 5%. Also have light come on in the house anytime between sunset and 9pm and go off 3 min after the garage door closes. Have a routine that checks to see if the garage door is open after 9pm and automatically close if it is(after a slight delay).

Not really automation but I have incorporated the Amazon echo for voice control

The smartapp rule machine is amazing. With enough sensors and rules, you can do just about anything your mind can create.

Here’s what I’m doing by combining a few apps.

This is my first stab at things. I’m sure there’s an easier way but this seems to be working so far.

(RM) created in Rules Machine
(GW) created in Gentle Wake up
® created in Routines

Here’s what I’m doing with Rules machine and Gentle wake up
This is for the kitchen lights dimmer switch

8:00 am
® Good Morning!
Turns off Alarm
Turns on kitchen lamp to 20%
Set mode to Good Morning!

Good Morning! triggers Good Morning fade (GW - Gentle Wake up)
Good Morning Fade fades Kitchen lights from current to 30% over 5 minutes
Set kitchen lamp to 50%

the kitchens light sensor sees <125 Lux
time is between 8:06 am - 1:00 pm
then switch mode to "dim morning"
Dim Morning triggers dim morning fade(GW)
Dim morning fade fades light from current level to 60% over 10 min.
Set mode to “Cloudy Morning”

the kitchens light sensor sees >=125 and <350 Lux
time is between 8:06 am - 1:00 pm
then switch mode to "bright morning"
bright Morning triggers bright morning fade(GW)
bright fade fades light from current level to 80% over 10 min.
Set mode to “Sunny Morning”


the kitchens light sensor sees <125 Lux
time is between 1:01 pm - 30 mins before sunset
then switch mode to "Cloudy Afternoon"
Cloudy Afternoon triggers cloudy afternoon fade(GW)
Dim morning fade fades light from current level to 60% over 10 min.
Set mode to “Afternoon”

the kitchens light sensor sees >=125 and <350 Lux
time is between 1:01 pm - 30 mins before sunset
then switch mode to "Bright afternoon"
Bright Afternoon triggers bright afternoon fade(GW)
bright afternoon fades light from current level to 80% over 10 min.
Set mode to “Sunny Afternoon”


the kitchens light sensor sees <10 Lux
time is between 30 mins before sunset and 9:00pm
then switch mode to "Dusk!"
Dusk! triggers Evening fade(GW)
Evening fade fades light from current level to 25% over 10 min.
Set mode to “Evening”


the kitchens light sensor sees <10 Lux
time is between 9:00pm & 3:00am
then switch mode to "Night1"
Night1 triggers Night fade(GW)
Night fade fades light from current level to 15% over 10 min.
Set mode to “Night”

® Late Night Chill
Changes mode to Late Night Chill
Late Night Chill triggers Late Night Chill fade(GW)
Late Night Chill fades light from current level to 0% over 10 min.
Late Night Chill triggers LNC LED fade(GW)
LNC LED fades LED Strip from 0% to 50% over 10 mis (color purple)
Kitchen Lamp dim to 15%

(RM) If
the kitchens light sensor sees =<350 Lux
Then turn kitchen lights off

Kitchen motion sensor is active**
= False – turn kitchen light off after 15 mins
= True – turn lights on
**Restricted to all modes EXCEPT Sleep, and AWAY

My setup is pretty simple but it now works perfectly for me (after moving my hub upstairs and away from the router!)

  • Every morning my bedroom lamp slowly brightens and wakes me up.

  • I get out of bed and walk past the sensor, it sets the house to morning mode. Sets the front door to unarmed, turns on the bathroom lights, stair light strip, kitchen light strip and living room lamp (all the places i go in the morning)

  • I get ready for work etc and leave the house, i have a sensor in my car and after 5 mins of driving away from the home it shuts off all my lights, sets my mode to away and the house armed.

  • When i arrive home and pull onto the drive it’s usually after 5pm, house set to evening, stairs and kitchen strips on, living room lamp on and door set to unarmed.

  • During the evening all bedrooms (4) have a motion sensor, so if i walk into any of them, it turns the light on and turns off again after 5 mins of no motion.

  • Finally, we usually go to bed between 11-12ish. So i’ve set my bedroom sensor to set the house to night mode if anyone walks past between that time. This turns everything off and sets the bedroom lamp to a dim light which fades off after 40 mins.

  • During the night the bathroom lights come on at 30% with any motion detected.

I’m so close to completing my home now, so i need new ideas! I’ve got 2 sonos speakers and really want some new tasks! Got a smartthings plug too but i don’t know what’s best to use it with really…tv?

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What do you use to close your garage door? is it a ST compatible IR blaster of some sort?

I actually use a wemo maker. It doesn’t natively integrate with ST so I use a virtual switch to trigger an IFTTT recipe. I had the wemo maker hooked up to my garage door before I even bought into ST otherwise I would probably use a different device.

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