Yale Smart Lock -> SmartThings -> Google Home

I just purchased a Yale Assure Lock 2 Touch with Z-wave (Model YRD420) and successfully connected it with SmartThings. I have a current integration with Google Home but the lock device did not import. Is it possible to import the device?

Or am I only able to manage the device through SmartThings?

My Yale lock doesn’t show up in Google Home either. I am guessing the GH doesn’t support locks.

You could create a virtual switch in SmartThings and link it to your lock using SmartThings routines.

  1. If Switch on Then unlock the Lock

  2. if Switch off Then lock the Lock

The virtual switch will show up in Google Home and can be controlled by voice.

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For some reason, locks have never shown up in Google Home that are in ST. Not sure if it’s ST or Google restricting it. It’s a little annoying…even status would be nice.

I read a couple posts from a few years ago that Google Home doesn’t support locks but wasn’t sure if it was still true. It’s a pretty poor design that GH doesn’t even show the device status or, at minimum, warn you that the device detected cannot be controlled. I’d rather not have to guess.

Edit: Above doesn’t seem to be accurate. Yale offers a Google Home compatible lock so why wouldn’t the SmartThings version be integrated?