Wiring Suggestions 6 HH

Gotcha. Well I’m a big fan of switches and self explanatory UI so I would do 6 switches, but I do understand the concern.

That said, you could:

  1. Wire them to one load - seems you’re probably way under 20A on that circuit. If not 2 circuits?
  2. Put in 6 distinct smart switches (would be my personal solution)
    Variation: use the mirror function of Smartlighting to make them all follow the switch your users will LIKELY turn on / off
  3. Some kind of smart relay in the cans - someone on the site can recommend some good ones.
  4. something like the upcoming Zooz device here: Zooz double Z-Wave, single gang switch! but that one looks like one side is a dimmer and the other is a switch.
  5. Smart Bulbs plus some kind of wall controller mounted conspicuously to be the ‘light switch’