You asked about this:
You are sending the Association set command with a different set of target devices each time. So it’s not overwriting.
In the example above devices 21 and 22 are being associated to the master so that a basic command from the master has them turn on at a 25% dim level.
Device is 23 and 24 are using a 50% dim level.
All in the same Association group.
This would create two different “command records” for that particular Association group. The Z wave specification allows for individual records of this type, which is why it’s not an overwrite situation.
The Command Class allows a device to support a number of command records. A command record consists of the grouping identifier, the Node ID and the command. The size of the command MAY be restricted by the device through the Max command length field. The command MUST be the complete command needed (I.e. All relevant encapsulations MUST be included in the command).
You can’t send it in a list – – you have to use the standard Command set format.
A lot of this has to do with command class mapping.
Command class to which the Basic Command Class is mapped
But we are getting way off topic for this thread which deals with a specific device which is not the Cooper device.
I suggest you set up your own thread about Cooper configuration, and hopefully people can help you there.
Also, I wonder if it might be easier for you if you use the Z wave tweaker DTH. That way you don’t have to write your own code to create the associations. It might be worth looking at, anyway.
I’m sure all of this feels very frustrating. Smartthings is a multiprotocol platform, and for that reason they don’t really have support for the Z wave commandsets that can only be used with other Z wave devices, particularly for the scene controllers that send commands directly to end devices without communicating them to the SmartThings hub. That includes any scene controllers that don’t support association.
It can be done with the scene controllers that do support Association, but it’s not done using the scene commandsets. Or it can be done with central scene commandsets. But the point is as long as the controller device send the request to the hub the smartthings cloud can then format the appropriate commands for any supported protocol, whether it’s Z wave, zigbee, cloud to cloud, or whatever.
So there’s no question that it’s way easier to set up Z wave scene commands with a Z wave only controller. Those devices just don’t tend to be the best match to a SmartThings installation.
I wish I had a simple answer for you, but again, we should take this to a different thread.