Windows Phone Update 1.0.4 (12/23/2014)

SmartThings version 1.0.4 includes several bug fixes, user interface improvements and overall performance improvements for an improved user experience and increased stability. Below is a more comprehensive list of the changes.

New Features

  • Sorting of the Dashboard
  • Group detail screen tiles
  • Group activity log
  • Device Activity Log
  • Ability to group/ungrouping device tiles together
  • Ability to reorder tiles in a location or group
  • Alert For Hub Offline
  • Color Picker tile model and view
  • Image Carousel tile and view
  • Alert for User Without a Connected Hub When Connecting New Device
  • Tool Tip Alert inside of SmartSetup when a hub isn’t connected
  • Add Icon & Images for device state in device selectors


  • Updated the style on the Slider Tile


  • Fixed: Account creation screen: capitalize Full Name field
  • Fixed: “Welcome to SmartThings” header is cut off
  • Fixed: Ugly transition screen when opening or backing out of SmartApp configs
  • Fixed: Set Location: Location Name input is cleared when navigating away from set up location
  • Fixed: Location details>If hub is inactive, make text red
  • Fixed: “Not yet configured” triangles showing on many tiles in device details on unconfigured devices
  • Fixed: When a user tries to add a new mobile presence device while location services are disabled, the app will crash.
  • Fixed: Door & Locks > Cards do not load if switching fast between Dashboard & Module or Module & Config
  • Fixed: Can’t get anything under “more” category of smartsetup to work
  • Fixed: The text at top of app is often dark (ie, Next tile) and hard to differentiate.
  • Fixed: Dashboard > Modules: Dashboards created via incomplete use case display programmatic text
  • Fixed: Crash on launching Things view

Mr. @tyler Lange! Where is our iPhone update! You are in our naughty boy list… :wink:

My understanding is that our iOS release is pending approval by Apple. Their review process is closed for the holidays. We expect our app to be approved and released shortly after that.

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See we all love you @tyler no matter what we say behind your back! :wink:

ohh excited! Hopefully not just bug fixes!

Great update. Still doesn’t have the ability in SmartSetup to add from “My Apps” / SmartApps published only for me though. The Android app has a whole other category for those after “More”. The Windows Phone app only shows “Things,” “Alerts,” “Actions,” and “More.”

Hmm… Somehow Google was able to push their update to iOS on December 22nd. Have they greased some palms at Apple?

woohoo just got one for xmas and this update came just in time for me to start playing with it ! :slight_smile: thanks guys keep up the good work !

Neat, thanks for the update! Unfortunately the “Things” screen still crashes every time. Seems to be because I have custom devices. I hope that can get fixed soon! I’ve never been able to use the app because of that but I do use it to lock/unlock my doors (the doors & locks section at least works). However, it would be great to control my other devices!

I’m thinking of buying a few cheap windows phones and using them as remotes… at $29, they’re cheaper than most z-wave remotes out there! (

When I try to update devices on the Windows Phone app. I get the “unexpected error message” a majority of the time. Also, There is no way that I can see to update the icon image for a Mobile Presence device. If I do it on another device it seems to stop working.

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Exact same behavior here, not able to rename a mobile presence device, no way to update the images. Hopefully they are aware and working on a fix?

There is clearly some room for improvement in the Windows Phone app. With v1.0.4 of the Windows Phone app, I’ve seen:

  • Stability issues - launching the app can crash one or two times before a successful launch (BTW, I only have 2 Things connected right now)

  • Some functionality missing - if you read the online “help”/etc. there a capabilities missing from the Windows Phone app

  • Bugs with setting names or icons for Things - I happen to have an Android tablet and I had no issue doing this on Android,

Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the fact that SmartThings decided to support Windows Phone and this, in fact, is why I’ve purchased their hub and some of their things. I understand that Windows Phone is a distance 3rd mobile OS, but I hope SmartThings puts an ongoing effort to stabilize, improve and support their Windows Phone app with feature parity.

I would concur. the app looks very interesting, but I also have crashes when changing the name of my Mobile Presence device from my Lumia 930 (Developer Preview). Are there any work-arounds?