[Wi-Fi Hub] Devices went offline and not responding

Same as everyone else. About to jump ship if Samsung doesn’t get this fixed ASAP. In the nearly decade I’ve been using ST, nothing even remotely close to a cluster as big as this has taken place. Fix it, Samsung.


I thought I’d do the right thing and contact Samsung support. Since it hasn’t been acknowledged as a problem.

So very disappointed :frowning:, I even pointed them to this thread. Got the copy paste re-add your device response. And check your phone app…:neutral_face:

As painful as it’s been, I reset all the ZigBee devices I can. Many hours of effort, not sure if I’ll ever get to the ZigBee devices in the roof.

SmartThings please do better.

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Was out of town, come home and nothing is working.

I also didn’t realize when I turned off the “Use Smartthings Hub” it would wipe all the devices. Just was trying to do a turn it off and back on after power cycling didn’t work.

So in the process of re-adding my devices they are all set as generic devices. Even if I pick the specific device before pairing it gets reset back to a generic device.

So I got everything working except the devices don’t work. Since motion sensors don’t have any data being sent other than “connected”.

All the sensors are smartthings branded no 3rd party sensors.

Too much stability issues this past year for me. If this is how things are going to be going forward I think the only solution is to find alternatives. My Wi-Fi hub can just be a Wi-Fi hub only and nothing else.

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Hi, everyone.

Here’s the update about this issue, it was recently shared with us and the customer support team so, you might hear back from them as well:

The issue where Zigbee devices stopped working with the hub was identified. The team is planning a hotfix for it and will be later announced here in the Community and on other channels (if you’re subscribed) as usual.

Therefore, the affected users have two options to get this resolved:

  1. Wait for the firmware hotfix release that will return functionality to the Zigbee devices
  2. Rejoin the devices using these steps (Note: A Zigbee rejoin re-pairs the device without deleting it so it retains Automations that were associated with the device)
    1. Select “Add (+)” in the SmartThings App and choose “Add Device”
    2. Choose “Scan” under Scan for Nearby devices
    3. Select the hub that the devices were previously paired to
    4. While the hub is searching for the device, perform the pairing process on the Zigbee devices according to the manufacturer’s instructions
    5. After it re-pairs the devices should again be controllable (Pairing may show as complete on the app or it may happen in the background without giving the user feedback)

Yet another thread for .048.5 It also took out the matter bulb i had just bought. Yup matter is not going to solve the issues created by an obviously poor testing regimen.

Support has acted like this update just affected old stuff.
Matter is blisteringly new and it still broke it.
My matter bulb was connected to my also very new smartthings matter hub (charger).
Explain how all the SmartThings can break? (Old and brand new)

My logs are open, explain the finding :flushed:

So lets just get this right we are 10+ days out from disabling our locks and sensors and routines. We are still waiting for fixes to even the newest devices and hubs that use zigbee?

Someone needs to apologize this is a debacle. Someone like the VP of smartthings development, not you Nayelyz. Who is the head of this disaster?


I tried the rejoin process you described on a few high priority devices (zigbee devices my significant other uses every day) and several of them went offline in less than 24hrs…
I’m NOT going to spend a full day rejoining over 50 devices when I have no idea if any of them will STAY online.
I’m now getting non-stop pressure to “fix this problem”.
And the only way I have ANY confidence in at this point is to jump ship…

This has been dragging out for more than a week now and ST still isn’t treating this as an all hands on deck emergency. Half your support staff doesn’t seem to know what smartthings has done and is sending customers on pointless “support script” errands. You haven’t even acknowledged that there’s a problem on the Smartthings status page. (“No incidents reported.” is an outright lie to your entire customer base.)
This kind of half assed handling of a major screwup has sunk more than one home automation company… Stop treating this like something you can sweep under the rug and get serious. Get in front of the problem, handle it like the major PR snafu it’s become before Smartthings becomes the next casualty!!
Smartthings needs to recognize that the faith that customers place in you to protect and support their loved ones and their homes is a fragile thing. A thing that can be destroyed by how you deal with problems like this one.


Oh, and it’s NOT just zigbee devices. Zwave devices are also effected by this. If the support team thinks it’s just zigbee, they’re not being given the full picture of the problem.

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Hi, everyone.
If you have issues with devices in Wi-Fi Hubs with other protocols different than Zigbee, please let me know as we need to categorize the issues based on the protocol of the device with the issue, I would need the following info to report them:

  1. Support access to your account
  2. Name of the devices to get their IDs and add them to the report.

@JLStanley I found one Z-Wave device of yours with the issue, but I would appreciate it if you could give me the names of those involved over a DM.

@John_Goering, if you’re in contact with Customer Support and they are not helping you, please provide me with the information above, thanks.

Z-wave devices with the new edge drivers, (specifically Dome Water Shut off valve) now are exposed as a binary_sensor instead of a switch that cannot be turned on/off with Google, Alexa or Home Assistant. Google and Alexa don’t see the Water Valve and will not respond to commands to turn on/off the water valve

The standard DTH didn’t include switch capability. So you were probably using a custom DTH.

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I was using the custom Dome Groovy DTH by Kevin LaFramboise

SmartThings/devicetypes/krlaframboise/dome-water-shut-off.src/dome-water-shut-off.groovy at master · krlaframboise/SmartThings (github.com)

Any idea where I can get a custom Edge driver that would allow for the valve to act like a switch, like Kevin’s did ?

I don’t know if one or if @krlaframboise has written an Edge version.

I just got a e-mail from Smartthings

Hub firmware version 0.47.12 will be released to the following Hub models starting Friday, July 14, 2023:

- All Samsung Connect Home Models
- Samsung SmartThings WiFi

Is there a way to stop this hotfix from being applied ? I would rather stop it for a while to see how it worked out for others…

I just spent several hours adding back all the ZigBee stuff. If this hotfix causes them to go offline again and I need to repair them, then we are going to be talking.

Unfortunately the Support team haven’t been great for me either. Perhaps they are overwhelmed with the issues at the moment.

Wellp … ALL the devices plus a few more have been offline since yesterday, and I spent a bunch of time last week re-pairing all my Zigbee devices :rage: So the hotfix not only de-paired all the previously disconnected devices, but now I have even more offline. Can’t believe this. I was hoping overnight that they would somehow magically connect again … but nope, instead even more devices are now disconnected.

I restarted my system (i.e. unplugged) and let it all connect back together, and the same devices are still offline. I believe I have the firmware hotfix update when I look online for my hub: 000.047.00012

Anyone else having same issue? Is there a different thread I should be monitoring? Thanks.

I also re-paired most of my Zigbee devices, but the hotfix did not affect anything - they are all still online (my hub is showing the version 000.047.00012 also).
I have two Bosch motion sensors which I am having trouble re-pairing, but they are always tricky

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What a hot mess. Glad you weren’t impacted with the hot fix. I went ahead and re-paired 3 of my now 16 offline devices until we get clear direction from Samsung. If they do yet another hotfix I don’t want to re-pair all my devices yet again, so I’ll wait. I have Samsung SmartThings Wi-Fi Mesh (3 hubs), so not sure how this is impacted differently in comparison to the other hub devices.

What is going on? After manually fixing my multiple dozen zigbee devices, the hot fix now broke my z-wave light switches. Reset, pairing them again, etc., does nothing! My multiple Zooz zen34 show up as generic and waiting for status update