[Wi-Fi Hub] Devices went offline and not responding

Since the first crush my 2nd and 3rd home connect repeaters dont repeat zigbee signal. All devices far from the main router are disconnected without strong zigbee signal to work apropiate… is it any solution for that?

Hi, @jvictorss
I couldn’t find the fingerprint of those devices (Zooz ZEN34) in the stock driver Z-Wave Switch. It might have happened that those devices were recently migrated and, as there was no compatible driver, they were connected as generic devices, and as you mention pairing them again doesn’t help it confirms you don’t have a driver installed that supports them. I’ve seen some users install the driver on this channel: [ST EDGE] Zooz Edge Driver Channel

Note: I mean by “supported devices” that they were officially certified as a Works With SmartThings device. That means the manufacturer went through this process where the corresponding tests (made by the UL test lab) verified the functionality of that device in the SmartThings.

So… now what did Smartthings do? I had a bunch of Alexa Virtual switches that were switches, but now they are no longer switches and can’t be turned on/off… I’m so tired of this

Your Alexa switches were probably converted from the old Device Handlers to the new system. ST doesn’t have stock Alexa Switches. Alexa switches consist of a switch plus contact sensor. So they either got converted to a standard switch or a contact sensor.

You can use @TAustin “vEdge Creator” Edge Driver to make new Alexa switches.