Hi there,
I updated recently a DTH I made with some icons I store on my GitHub so that people using my DTH can enjoy them.
I just noted a ugly difference between iOS and Android: on Android my icons are well displayed inside a colored background based on value or a grey background for some. Nothing fancy here.
On iOS:
- Only the grey background shows up so it seems the “backgrounds” is not handled properly, only the “background” (without ‘s’) is working
- My personal icons are huge and the label is displayed across the icons while I can see ST icons (standard ones like st.Weather.weather12) are having the right size.
My icons are png files of 110x110px, just like some st.xxx icons I could find via the xml posted on this forum a while ago.
A typical tile code I have is like (the red VOC icon):
standardTile("tvoclevel", "device.tvoclevel", width: 2, height: 2, decoration: "flat",canChangeIcon: false) {
state "default", label: '${currentValue}', icon: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/philippeportesppo/AirMentorPro2_SmartThings/new_icons/images/TVOC-Icon.png", backgroundColors:[
[value: -1, color: "#1e9cbb"],
[value: 0, color: "#1d9114"],
[value: 340, color: "#f7f709"],
[value: 530, color: "#f7a709"],
[value: 800, color: "#f70909"],
[value: 1600, color: "#5100a3"]]
the grey big thermometer with the 3 drops with a grey background:
standardTile("dewpointlevel", "device.dewpointlevel", width: 2, height: 2, decoration: "flat",canChangeIcon: false) {
state "default", label: '${currentValue}º',unit:'${currentValue}',icon: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/philippeportesppo/AirMentorPro2_SmartThings/new_icons/images/dewpoint.png", backgroundColor:"#e5e9ea"}
Here is the result for Android and the ugly one for iOS. Apps are latest versions.
Any idea what I am doing wrong?