What to pick for new house--advice needed! What would your ideal smart house have?

Dear Friends,

I have been trying to educate myself on these forums and so far many of the posts have been very valuable.

My problem is that I have run into a bottle neck in my house building and we can not move forward until I decide what devices I will install in my house and consequently to inform the electrician of what he needs to do. So I am asking you know if you could help me once again with your knowledge and experience, because I do not have enough time to educate myself properly in order to decide now what to do. Also I dont have the luxury to do this slowly and/or experiment with things and/or change things later. I need to do it now and I need to do it right.

So, can you please tell me, if you were building your house today in Europe, and you already own a ST UK edition as well as an arlo pro cameras, what other things would you buy in order to make the perfect ST compatible house? If need be, I can buy a new ST from the US and buy all my things from the US as well as long as they work with 110V - 220V but this is not preferred.

Thinks I will definitely need:
Dimmers / light switches
2 door garage opener
blind/roller controllers
outdoor cameras
smart locks
any other cool device/system that you like

dont worry about budget or how I will get the things to Greece.

This is your chance to build your dream house (on paper at least)!!! :smiley:

I know for sure that you are in a much better position to make this decision now compared to me, so any advise you give me will be EXTREMELY APPRECIATED!

Thank you

The very first thing I would do is make sure that all lights switches have neutral wires.
In the UK (where I live) this is not very common and stops us using all sorts of relays/dimmers etc. So that would be my first requirement
I would also put 240v ac next to every window (to power blinds or curtains)

Btw… as the US uses different frequencies to europe, in the UK certainly, it is illegal to use US equipment… This may not be an issue for you but worth checking

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I will definitely have neutral wires in all plugs.

Meantime, I am having a hard time to choose between FIBARO and AOTECH. Any advise?

I only have experience with Fibaro…
I find them to extreemly reliable and they appear to be well built.
The only issue I have is that the connections are quite close together and need extra care to ensure they don’t have any stray cable strands touching other terminals (if connecting with stranded cable)

Tagging @anon36505037

Plugs always have neutral wires or they won’t work. The question is whether you will have neutral wires at the light switch boxes. Light switch boxes often do not have neutrals because the neutral could be run from the ceiling rose instead.

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Thank you for the reply. I will definitely have neutral at the light switch box as well.

Thank you VERY much for your detailed reply.

just a few questions:

  1. what is star wired in parallel?

  2. Have you had any problems with too many hubs and the maximim 4 hops issue of Zwave?

thank you

Dear Friends,

So I have been spending hours on these forums and on others and I am getting closer to the finish line.
I am inclined to go with the below choices but your opinions are always appreciated:

Dimmers / light switches = FIBARO, (second choice Aeotech)
2 door garage opener = FIBARO, (second choice Aeotech)
blind/roller controllers = FIBARO, (second choice Aeotech)
outdoor cameras - RING FLOOD LIGHT CAM
indoor cameras = ARLO PRO
smart locks = UNDECIDED, PLS HELP
smart thermostat = NEST or ECOBEE, please help

let me know your thoughts/comments :slight_smile:

Καλησπέρα. Να ρωτήσω εάν τελικά μετά από όλη αυτή την έρευνα υλοποιήθηκε η εγκατάσταση και με ποιες οι εντυπωσεις; Βρίσκομαι στο στάδιο προετοιμασίας εγκατάστασης ηλεκτρολογικών και διαβάζοντας την έρευνα σου θα εκτιμούσα την οποία βοήθεια. Ευχαριστώ

Sorry about that dear friend. I was asking the Greek fellow of your forum to provide some feedback about his final setup and carried over with the Greek language.

I would really appreciate it however if you could help me on another matter if you have a moment to spare.
Do you know if I could use modules bought from US in Greece? They do support 220v but I am a little concerned about their operating frequency.


Hi Nableman

Sorry for taking so long to reply.

Send me a PM, I can gladly walk you through to what I have done so far.