What is the "Home Assistant" Tile Supposed to Do?

I think I know what it does, just can’t really find a definitive answer with a Google search…

I recently fired up a Home Assistant server to play with…

I now have a Home Assistant tile in the automations page on SmartThings.

Pressing it, doesn’t seem to do much… I end up with this…

Everything seems to be working, as far as I can tell between ST and HA – does that Home Assistant tile simply force a refresh?

Did you use the set up guide from HA or some other method?

I do not remember seeing the smart app that you see.

You will need remote access to your HA system or the way I set it up does.

Latest version of everything, exactly as the guide states.

I don’t know anything much about Home Assistant but the link @jkp posted talks of installing a SmartApp on SmartThings with the aid of a PAT and what you would appear to have there is an installed instance of a Webhook SmartApp.

The actual code of the app will be at the Home Assistant end. Clicking on that tile just causes SmartThings to interact with that app over a Webhook URL to update its configuration and authorise it to do whatever it is doing.

Webhook SmartApps are pretty boring in the SmartThings app because none of the interesting stuff they can do with dashboard cards like you can see with the stock apps is documented.

I’m a tad surprised to see it in the Routines page and not hidden away on the Linked Services page.