Hi all,
It’s my first post and my first look at home automation. I thought I would reach out to you with my wish list and see what you thought as to whether I should invest in SmartThings - (I am lucky enough to get a 30% discount through my wife’s work!)
Outdoor cameras activated upon motion detection (open to the possibility of Camera motion detection or wireless perimeter monitors). This is my main requirement as I have the Ring Video Doorbell and am impressed with it. I want to be able to click on a simple button on my phone when i’m alerted to motion and it pop up the relevant camera, AND for it to be recording, can be persuaded either way NAS vs Cloud.
Door sensors
Easy to use app for both Ios and Android
Control for a circuit of outdoor lighting
Nice to have:
Outdoor motion sensors,
Raspberry Pi “MotionEyeOS” cameras support,
Kodi notification integration
Thanks in advance!