I’m in the process of adding some sensors to my ST system. I’m trying to understand the differences between the different device types noticing that some are considered water sensors others moisture sensors etc. Obviously humidity sensors are different. What should I look for? Other than the obvious point of using different protocols (generally Zigbee or Z-wave), I see that some of them have very different designs as well. The ST water sensor sits directly in the water from what I can tell (haven’t seen pics of the underside and what I have seen isn’t very clear on its use) and I’ve also seen pics of it mounted vertically. The Fibaro uses adjustable either contacts that come out the bottom or a wired probe, batteries or ac power, and is waterproof & floats so immersion or frequent dunking is harmless to the sensor itself. It’s pricier, too. Others only use probes. Some can give information about when moisture is present as well as absent which gives additional use. Water absent isn’t my primary use at this point so not a huge issue either way. Battery type and life is somewhat of a concern although if it can use rechargeable batteries, it’s somewhat less of a problem. I just got worried reading about the Aeon which is rated for 1-2 years but reviewers were stating that they were going put in less than a month. Probably a gives but it has to work with ST. Oddly, Aeon seems to be well supported by ST in other areas but water sensor have been problematic according to ST users who reviewed the product I also noticed it’s not listed at this point although I was under the impression that it used to be. I also heard someone mention the Lowes/Iris branded version of the Ever Spring which was quite a bit cheaper but apparently works the same. If don’t know enough to know if this is correct or not.
Any help and experiences you could share regarding this would be great. I’m just getting my head around all the ways I can u this and different designs seem as though they would lend themselves to different uses. I was going to just slap one down under the sink but reading how sensitive they are (and having already suffered a very expensive mishap with the bath overflowing at our current apartment screwing up the electrical below us) I’m starting to think more creatively about it. We also have several non-standard items in our apartment due adaptive needs that use water and could potentially have similar problems as we experienced before if/when they fail someday.
Thanks so much! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and learning from you!