WAPIRZ-1 Motion Sensor Issues

We have a driver that will support the WAPIRZ. See information about it here.

A copy of the manual for one “version” of the WAPIRZ is here.

My experience with the WAPIRZ and all the clones of it was that some of them have a reset/include switch accessable via a small hole in the back, and some do not. The manual for the GoControl version of the WAPIRZ shows it not to have the reset switch and instead relies on the tamper switch to include/exclude the device. See if you can figure out if you have the reset switch or not.

On the versions that use the tamper switch to include/exclude, I found the timing VERY unforgiving. “hold for a second” was very narrow, but I don’t remember if it tended towards shorter (0.75 second) or longer (1.25 seconds). I do remember that it was a pain.

If I were you I would test trying to exclude it first. In the mobile app, go to your Hub device, 3 dot menu, Settings, Zwave Utilities, Zwave Exclude. WIth the exclude running, try excluding the device near the hub with whatever button sequence seems to work. You can exclude multiple times without any issue. This will show that a) you’re doiing the right sequence for include/exclude and b) the device and hub can speak to one another. Then once you get that to pass, you can try including it after installing our driver referenced above.

Good luck!