Using aqara hub as a matter bridge into smartthings? (Sept 2023)

I have this odd behavior with my Aqara motion sensors after I’ve added them to ST via Matter (M2 Hub)
The motion/no motion events are well reflected in ST, but not in the Aqara app, where the dashboard card stays forever as “motion detected”. Looking at the Aqara app log, all I see are “Motion Detected” records.
I’ve contacted Aqara support, but they seem puzzled…
Anyone has that?

Thank you!

Ohh, missed that part. Ty for information, perhaps @christian_turner will support us more about that Controls :slight_smile:

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I must admit that I never configured the Cube Pros, and have them disconnected and sitting in my 2024-project drawer.

For the original cube I actually use an edge drive and the edgebridge service from TAustin.

Setting up the cube was honestly just by trial and error. I would make the physical action and then see the logs/history for what happened.

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My aqara M2 hub and my stock edge driver for the Aqara button Both had firmware updates today and as of now, the button connected via the M2 as a Matter bridge is showing all three states and triggering ST routines successfully. :sunglasses:

Aqara M2 firmware upgrade to 4.07_0006.0646

SmartThings started to add the bridge

Then stopped the process to do its own update

Then completed the M2 integration successfully.

Now the button has correct values for all three actions and these can be used to trigger smartthings routines, at least the ones you set up on the device details page. I haven’t tested other types of smartthings routines yet.


That is cool mr. @JDRoberts. I just checked for my E1 hub, is still at 4.06. Will be nice to see after update how will act Cube T1 Pro :slight_smile:

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Hi, comming back after some days.
I have used my Aqara Motion Sensor P1 with edge driver, everything was super fine. 30 mins ago i have installed directly from Aqara Hub E1 in to SmartThings but now, i see only motion sensor and not the illuminance one in the SmartThings app.
In Aqara app i see both (motion and illuminance) sensors.
Any advice pls?

Just thought I’d chime in here, I was stuck on the same firmware as Ayberk_Yeral’s hub for a long time too.
I reached out to Samsung support last weekend to ask about this and the tech didn’t know anything about SmartThings at all. Strangely enough, since then the firmware has been upgraded to
000.050.00010 on my 2022 Samsung The Frame TV hub (I’m not sure if the upgrade timing is a coincidence).

Either way, I’ve been able to add an Aqara E1 hub (it’s using the “Matter Switch” driver) successfully bridging 2x E1 Roller Blind Motors.

Is it working for you, too now?

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Has anyone been able to add an Aqara Matter hub to Smartthings? I run into an issue with the app and cannot get around it. I have tried both ways to add it. My adding device picking Aqara and working through that or putting Aqara in paring and Smarthings automatically sees it and tries to add it.

Issues is on the processing screen I get a popup both ways that it will open the devices webpage to do something or I have to do something but no pages comes it just sits there with 0% processed.

Anyone know a way around this?

@JDRoberts Any ideas?

I’ve moved this to the existing thread discussing this integration. So go up to the top of the thread, and read down from there.

You will see that there are a number of us (including me) who do have one of the aqara hubs working as a Matter bridge into smartthings. But there are some glitches and you have to make sure that the firmware is up-to-date on all the devices from both brands.

Also, aqara makes regional versions of their hubs. If you bought the North American version or the EU version, it should work eventually once you get everything updated.

But if you bought the Chinese version (usually from AliExpress), but you live outside the Chinese region, you may not be able to get it to work at all.

Anyway, read through the thread and see if there’s anything helpful there. Mine has been working fine since the initial updates, but I have the North American version.


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I have E1 EU version and I experimented configuring it to use China Mainland servers (because of some AliExpress purchased sensors).

Some EU region Aqara devices (such as the Double Rocker H1) give errors during the pairing and do NOT show on the accessories list in Aqara Home app.

However, these devices show up and work without a problem in ST when shared via Matter! They show up and work in Alexa as well.

So yes, this region locking causes problems in Aqara ecosystem.

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@Mark_Harrell How did you get around this message. It is still happening for me. Everything is up to date too.

Just to be sure, have you tried the method of selecting “add a device”
Then selecting “partner devices“
And then selecting “Matter“ rather than a brand-name?

I know some people said that was the only way it worked for them. :thinking:

that did it. Tried 3 other ways but kept hitting Smartthing App issues.

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I think it may be because by definition adding something as a Matter Bridge means it’s not supposed to be brand-specific. :thinking:

i only have aqara m2 hub and i can’t add it to smartthing.
do I have to have a samsung hub to add to the smartthing?

Yes. Matter integration is handled through edge drivers and edge drivers only run on a SmartThings/Aeotec hub. See the community FAQ on what is required for matter on the SmartThings platform:

FAQ: What do I need to add a Matter device to the SmartThings app? Do I need a bridge router device?

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I ended up removing the aqara hub from ST after the motion sensor stopped reporting. I’m trying to reconnect the aqara hub to ST via matter code, but it’s stuck on “Prepare your device”. Anything else I should try?

I had success by connecting Aqara to Google home through matter and then connecting it back to smart things through Matter.
A little messy but connecting aqara directly to smart things had very little success for me.

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My ST eventually loaded the aqara hub the next day. Now, the water leak sensor that’s linked to the aqara hub isn’t visible in ST. I guess I have to remove it from the aqara hub and re-add it there?

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