i am trying to create a routine with my Nest Thermostat where depending on the outside temperatures the Nest thermostat will adjust the temperature inside the house.
i however cannot find my Nest thermostat listed. Whenever i try to add it i get redirected to a Google sign-in page and when i log-in with my Google account, it says i do not have a device supported by Samsung Smartthings.
how do i add my nest thermostat to my Google account? TIA
still doesn’t give us the answer but probably because I did not ask the question properly. When you sign in to the Nest app… do you use “Sign in with Google” or “Sign in with Nest”?
the Google Nest integration with ST only works with the Google sign in (Nest sign in does not work). So now you have the fun task of migrating your Nest account to Google account and hopefully it will go better for you then my migration.
looks like the migration worked BUT i hope nothing else go wayward. its been awhile since i’ve messed around with smartthings and devices. thank you for the helpl