Unable to access smartthings.developer.samsung.com Workspace

I am unable to access the website entirely. After logging in, the workspace link displays a Html 500, Internal Server Error frame. Browser cache and cookie deletion has no effect.

I contacted Samsung SmartThings support and the reply I got is that there is a separate “Developer” support team and I must contact them. There is no link to any such thing, just links to the Community, Documentation, and Samsung SmartThings Support. Thus I joined the “Community” to query for assistance. Anyone from Samsung?

There probably won’t be a staff response here on the weekend, but you can open a developer support request by following the instructions on the following page:

They may just send you back here, though. It’s definitely a confusing process. :thinking:

Thanks. I did, in fact, find that page earlier, and submitted an engineer support request. I see that other people have had similar problems some months ago, so I sit in a not new situation.

I consider adding device handlers a core feature of the SmartThings product, not a Samsung Developer need. Otherwise Kwikset, e.g., would not be advertising SmartThings compatibility on the cover of their products. It seems their Convert deadbolt product requires a custom device handler which can only be added via the dev workspace. That I need to do.

I thought Samsung Developer was for separate integration/api/access for their many other products.

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Adding device handlers was an advanced feature of the original SmartThings architecture. However, ST is in the middle of a transition to an entirely new architecture, and Device Type Handlers will no longer be used. One of the stated goals is to make it easier for both device manufacturers and end users to support advanced device features. See the following:

FAQ: I have no idea what Edge is. Is that a new developer tool? (2022)

Anyway, you don’t need the developer workspace (which is part of the new architecture) just to add a custom Groovy device type handler. For that you need the IDE from the old architecture.


If you are in North America.

Also, the following FAQ for the old architecture might be helpful to you if you are just trying to use a custom device type handler.

FAQ: An Overview of Using Custom Code in SmartThings (SmartThings Classic, Groovy Code)

I don’t really see where the Developer Workspace comes in. You can only get so far in that before it politely points you at the Groovy IDE which is where custom DTHs are handled (when you go there, make sure you click on your Location name so you are working in the right place).

I doubt that the widespread use of custom DTHs by end users as manufacturer endorsed solutions was ever really envisaged. I also doubt that it was ever really the plan that end users would be pointed at the IDE for certain tasks. If you use the IDE it really should be the case that you are in developer territory.

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It’s a complex history.

For the first few years of SmartThings’ history, the only thing the official features could do with a lock was to lock or unlock it. There was no way to manage user codes at all. Or to know which user had unlocked the door. So locks were one of the very first device classes where most manufacturers DID provide a custom DTH. And where SmartThings support directed customers to contact the manufacturer for use of “advanced features.”

Eventually (2019?), SmartThings did introduce the Smart Locks Guest Access feature in some regions which obviated much of the need for a custom DTH, but some lock manufacturers still provide support documentation which points users to a custom DTH. :thinking:

Thank you, Mr. Roberts, the ide.smartthings.com and doco links were all I needed. Previously I’d accessed them through the Workspace page. You are certainly johnny-on-the-spot, and spot-on. I appreciate it!

Does the new version of things still make use of the Groovy ide and associated tasks?

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No, the IDE is part of the old architecture and will be going away once the transition to the new architecture is complete.

It is not yet clear exactly what the replacement will be, but again, see the community Edge FAQ for more details.

FAQ: I have no idea what Edge is. Is that a new developer tool? (2022)

I am very glad to see that they’re finally moving to local processing, even if via Lua and a whole new API.

Will they have a simple migration path for existing (common) device handling? Is that the “some of your devices may be automatically transitioned to stock edge drivers as this rollout takes place.?”

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We hope so, but no details yet.

There’s a beta group which has been getting some automatic rollouts, so at least it looks like that’s what they’re going for. It’s early days yet, though. :thinking: